Unforgettable Stories That Warm the Heart and Inspire: From Adventures in Shenzhen to Acts of Heroism

Explore a collection of heartwarming and inspiring stories that will uplift your spirits and resonate with your soul. From thrilling escapades in Shenzhen to touching acts of kindness and courage, these narratives capture the essence of human connection, resilience, and love. Join us on an emotional journey through adventures, reflections on family bonds, and reminders of the power of empathy and care.

I believe that everyone is often faced with compositions, especially thematic compositions, which play an important role, such as proposition compositions and fate compositions. The key lies in a deep insight into the theme, sharp reflection, and fluent expression. How do we write this type of essay? Below are 204 essays on current topics that the editor has compiled as a reference. I hope they can help friends in need.

Theme Composition 1

Life is not a drama, it cannot decide whether the end of life will be perfect or incomplete. Life is often like this, there is no beginning and no end, there are only those days of wandering love, those years that simply drift by. The small waves are like the continuous rain that never stops. Life is not a stationary platform but a rushing train. Comparing life to the sky, there is no sunshine in heaven; comparing life to hell, life is not so desperate. Time passes like a wand of Satan and looks back on the past. It was only then that I realized that life is about that flow. Some people left in a hurry, leaving only a gray figure in autumn. The whistle sounded, the train departed, and the platform was deserted, leaving only the sadness of farewell. Xu Zhimo said, "Gently I go, as I came in gently; I waved my sleeves and did not take away a single cloud." It was only with a touch of sadness and a touch of grief that I realized that indeed there are those days when emotions fade. On days when the mood fluctuates, the sky is gray. Drifting with pieces and pieces of sadness. Everyone has bad days, but life goes on. Back then we told ourselves, "How can there be the joy of reunion without the sadness of separation? Gently pick up a fallen leaf, without leaving a sigh." Everyone will have that - the sky in the soul. The most real things are often closest to life; the most coveted things are often closest to dreams and the simplest things remain only in the hearts of children in memory. Helplessness is a necessity of life. Everyone will make helpless decisions when faced with helplessness. Some people choose to fall. In the highs and lows of the world, they bury their innocence like sand at the bottom of the lake of their soul. On the journey of life, they pack their selfishness in the bag, which they will take with them. But I always believe that this world tells me that in the dark world there is always a pure land, a blue sea, and a blue sky. If you don't believe it - listen to the sound of tears. When you hear the sound of a heartbeat, you feel the existence of life; and when you hear the sound of tears, the angel says there is a shock in the innermost part of the heart, and the sad person has no feelings. The angel said that this was the end of their life. Life is not a drama, life is a war without smoke; life is like a poem and a song, it is a choice without choice. The flying dragon will not fly for long once it leaves the leash; life will not reach the end once it leaves the circle. It is still the same thread that holds you, and it is still the same circle that surrounds you. Life is just like that, so let's look forward to the happiness and the arrival of a happy life!

Theme Composition 2

We are born into this world without choice. Time, environment, and our loved ones are beyond our control. If life is a journey into the desert, it is a journey that must be completed. Although we cannot avoid the desert, we can freely decide how our life will go on. The yellow sand is long, the camel bells ring, and the sand camels chase the sunset in the bleak wilderness. While others fought to retreat, while others envied their beauty, Wang Zhaojun chose to dedicate herself without regrets. There is nothing to fear in front of the sea of sand or the new wind. No matter how strong the wind and sand are, they cannot stop Zhaojun because in her heart and in her there is no fear or burden anymore. The heart has long been looking into the desert. The sand and stones of the desert have heard the music of her unwillingness to leave, and the cold wind in the north of the Great Wall of China has witnessed her hope for national harmony. "Once you enter the purple terrace and the desert, you are leaving the green grave behind to face the twilight." History has made Zhaojun loyal and strong, and her soul has soared to the highest point of human nature. What preserved the peace and stability of the Han and Hun dynasties for fifty years? It was Zhaojun's decision and Zhaojun's love. Tao Yuanming, a famous scholar in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, was also very interested in displaying his ambitions and talents: "The Jingwei, titled a small tree, will fill the sea. Xingtian dances with relatives." A strong will is always there. However, the dark bureaucracy never had a place for him. Tao Yuanming found spiritual nourishment in the countryside: "The birds in the tethered trees miss the old forest, and the fish in the pond miss the old abyss." When Peng Ze finally took office, he complained that "An Neng bowed." "Five buckets of rice to show the children in the countryside" and decided to resign and return to the fields. "Picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, leisurely viewing the Nan Shan mountain," "I wake up in the morning to sweep the dirt, and come home with a lotus flower in the moonlight," Tao Yuanming's life is simple, natural, poetic, and picturesque. What led to the emergence of pastoral poetry? It was Tao Yuanming's decision to lead an unrestricted pastoral life. Due to his father's illness, Lu Xun went to Sendai, Japan to study medicine. At that time, he believed in Darwin's theory of evolution and believed that youth must be superior to old age. Lu Xun believed that the important thing was to change people's mood, and those who are good at changing people's mood should do so. He prioritized literature and art and thus advocated the literature and art movement. Since then, China has produced a great writer. What led Lu Xun to give up medicine and commit to literature? It was Lu Xun's sense of responsibility and decision. As high school students, we bravely navigate the path of life. When we encounter thorns and peaks and valleys, we must always be an example for our predecessors. Destiny is in my own hands, I have the final say in my life!

Theme Composition 3

Early is morning. Early is spoken when the day breaks, and early when the time is earlier or sooner. Only those who embrace it early can take the initiative. This is what we often hear: early agreements, early deployments, early mobilizations, early actions, early arrivals, and early implementations. If we do not take action as early as possible, we will easily become passive and fall back step by step. As Mr. Lu Xun said: "Always be early, be early in everything, and be the "first branch of the East Wind"! Only those who start early can succeed. The early riser gets the feed. This is a classic old saying that has been passed down for thousands of years and is now deeply rooted in people's minds. It tells us that we have a chance if we work hard, and if we work hard, we will be one step ahead of others. I once read a fable. On the endless grassland, a lion continued to run, but there was no prey before it. Someone asked him why he was running. "I can only get food when I run faster than the prey." Someone asked why they were running, and the antelope said, "I can only avoid being eaten if I run faster than other antelopes." Although the fable is short, it vividly illustrates to us: whether you are strong or weak, you can only make one step ahead and continue to do so. Only by working hard and surpassing others can we survive in this society. Only those who are earlier than others can achieve greater success. "Zeng Guang Xian Wen" warns us: Do not go early, others will go early! A horse cannot cover ten steps in one leap, but a horse can cover a thousand miles in ten steps. As long as we start early, plan early, do not get carried away by temporary successes, lay a solid foundation, and keep our direction calm and clear in our minds, we can have more hope, more success than others, and reap more fruitful results!

Theme Composition 4

College entrance exams are an unprecedented battlefield. It is both a scourge and a treasure of gold and silver. Countless people want to capture it, and countless people are afraid of it. What lies ahead of me is exactly the same, and I must make my choice. Before the exam, my mood fluctuated greatly because I was confused. It seems that there are too many tasks that have not yet been completed, it seems that there is too much knowledge that has not been thoroughly learned, and it seems that there are too many things that are not yet done in the last few days of these three years. In the last moment, it seemed as if I had just entered this campus, curious about the new environment. In the last minute, it seemed like I was engulfed in the excitement of a hundred days and staying up late to prepare for the coming Little Monsters. In preparing for the crusade, it seemed like all just met at the last minute, but they did not expect to be separated in the next moment. I silently did some things unrelated to studying, I do not know why, but when I did that, I felt more fulfilled and relaxed than ever before. When a sunbeam fell on me, I picked up the pen and sketched it on paper. I wrote my farewell words very briefly, kept my expectations high for a long time, set aside my studies, and left my aversion to comparisons behind. The friendship between teachers and classmates cannot be easily given up. To those who did not want to leave, I quietly placed the paper on the desk and bid farewell silently. We decided to buy a cake together for the teacher for the tuition fee. This is a farewell pastry. At least it will be sweet in the mouth and warm in the heart. Just like the giant holiday application form on the blackboard: Once the teacher signs it, we are about to be free. And at some point in the future, we may meet again and part ways. Sooner or later, the banquet in the world will end, but the beautiful memories will be forever cherished. I secretly fell asleep in class, and the teacher did not wake me up; I lined up in the cafeteria for the last delicacy in school; intentionally spent a diary full of memories. The suffering and pain of these hundred days are about to end, and it is time to show off the skills! During the exam, I felt liberated and relaxed. I do not expect to jump over the Dragon Gate. I do not feel the melancholy of the dark clouds over the city. I was a bit confused about my outfit. There were students from all over the country in the exam room. We had to pay attention to our image. For lunch, I eat braised chicken or hot, dry noodles. I cannot afford anything bad on the last battlefield to have a good night's sleep. I turn off my phone and ask my roommate who was next to me the next day. I want to get rid of the disturbances of electronic products which are not yet mature, but I do not want to be cramped and affect my condition. In my opinion, success means the peak of one's own efforts, while failure after fun means laziness. Furthermore, in the exam, it is not about success or failure, it is only about being good or bad. In the past, I have studied diligently for more than ten years and taken thousands of exams. I have rich experience, so why be afraid? The bell rang, the exam was over, and everyone went their separate ways. I bid farewell to the teacher and waved to my classmates. I walked fast and separated from the group. I did not accept a party invitation, I did not rush to the station to take a taxi home, I did not call home, I simply turned off my phone, still holding my school bag, and walked alone in the park I looked at the trees around me beautifully and felt relaxed as I listened to the indistinct calls of the birds. I saw leisure in this unimaginable relaxation at that moment. I did not, I sat in a corner of the park, took a book as usual, and flipped through it - what I longed for in my heart was freedom and recklessness, not boredom with knowledge. I bid farewell to the college entrance exam and successfully overcome the challenges, but I thought, how could the obstacles in the future be so simple? Many adventures and challenges are still waiting for me, and I should relax and face new challenges.

Theme Development 5

The fallen leaves descend upon the earth and transform into soil, symbolizing gratitude towards the earth that nurtured them. The white clouds flying across the blue sky, painting vivid pictures, represent gratitude towards the blue sky that nurtured them. Gratitude is like a flower that always emits the most beautiful fragrance; gratitude is like a star that enhances the most beautiful night sky; gratitude is like a song that plays the most beautiful melody...

One day, as a monk, he went to the beach to play with his friends. They had so much fun: playing in the water for a while, collecting shells for a while... At that time, they argued over a beautiful shell: "That's mine!" "No! That's mine!"...Suddenly, the monk's friend hit the monk, and the monk burst into tears. So, he wrote on the beach: "I was slapped by someone on a specific day of a specific month of a specific year."

The next day, the monk went alone to the beach to play. While playing, the sea suddenly became rough, and the monk was washed into the middle of the sea. Suddenly, an adult saw him, immediately jumped into the water, and saved the monk. So he wrote on the stone: "He was saved by someone on a specific day of a specific month and a specific year."

Afterwards, others asked him, "Why did you write the words in different places?" He said sincerely, "The pain of the slap is like the words diluted by the seawater on the beach, disappearing quickly; but the kindness of helping each other seems to be carved in the stone. The words endure forever and will be remembered forever."

Upon reading this story, I was filled with emotions: Why is there so much hatred between people in this world? We should be grateful to them. They are the ones who give us goals and enable us to achieve them; they are the ones who motivate us and make us work hard; they are the ones who bring us successes and allow us to pursue greater and more persistent goals.

In life, others may simply help you pick up a pen; others may simply help you pour a glass of water; a sincere "thank you" can make people remember you. Gratitude is a traditional virtue of our Chinese nation. When a person learns to be grateful, they will gain more respect from others. Flowers reward the nature that nurtures them with their fragrant scent. We live in this fortunate time. We must be grateful for the caring love of our parents, the educational grace of our teachers, and the selfless care that society shows us. We must repay it with academic progress and good morals.

Let us, with a sincere heart, dig out the hatred in people's hearts, let gratitude fill all hearts, and let gratitude be everywhere. Gratitude makes life better!

Theme Development 6

The east wind blows, not as biting as the north wind, but with a gentle coolness. The flowers, plants, and trees do not care about the old people's saying that "spring covers autumn, and autumn freezes", and they change into new clothes early.

The chicken-foot maple is like a flame that has not yet burned brightly, with a misty green color. On closer inspection, the new shoots are purplish-red, like young bamboo shoots. A slight shade of green can be seen on the underside of the new leaves, like a small hand, but the fingers are not open, as if carefully holding the first sunray of spring. The leaf edges are slightly serrated, flexible, and smooth. Similarly, new light green leaves have grown on the cotoneaster and feel fluffy. The light green new leaves of the holly provide a sharp contrast to the dark green old leaves.

The white magnolia has been blooming for a long time, and the trees are full of lively flowers. Its sight brings indescribable joy. Some are still wrapped in grey-green long hairs, not revealing their scent. Standing prettily on the branches, the petals stretch in all directions. When picking up a fallen flower, the petals are like small spoons made of white bone china, and the calyx still reddish.

As soon as it was pressed, sap with a lightly sweet aroma flowed out, prompting me to feel the urge to put it in my mouth and chew. My mother said that magnolias are indeed edible. Wash the petals, wrap them in moist flour, and fry them in sesame oil, or you can soak them in honey. It's a shame she usually talks, but her hands do not move. I can only look at the flowers on the tree and imagine how delicious they are.

If you are in a hurry, you might feel that the trees on the roadside are still bare, but in fact, they have already grown fresh and tender buds. Spring has arrived, let us walk slowly and look closer so as not to abandon this beautiful spring scenery.

Theme Development 7

This afternoon, I drove to Xiaoyaojin with my mother, Uncle Ge, and Aunt Liu. The park was crowded with tourists because I really wanted to go fishing, and also, I was already a student in elementary school. I no longer found other games interesting.

My mother bought a fishing rod and a small ball of fish feed and took us to the fishing pond. There were many people fishing, and I squeezed in between them. I cast the fishing hook into the water and was so excited that it trembled in the water, thinking in my heart, "Hurry up and bite." But the fish simply refused to eat, and I kept thinking about the cheers of others who caught the fish, including my mother. She said, "Let me try. It costs one yuan per minute. Let me try." She tried quickly. I handed her the fishing rod, but she seemed to be worse at it. We eagerly watched others fish to gather some experience. Aunt Liu had fished before, took the fishing rod, made the fish feed very small, put it on the tip of the fishing hook, then sank the hook to the bottom of the water so it would not wobble with the fish, making it easy for the bait to catch. Soon, she caught two fish. Now, I was excited and learned what it takes to fish. In less than a minute, I caught the first red goldfish in the pond, and Aunt Liu could not believe it was true. I was so happy.

My harvest today was really great. I feel that my skills are getting better and better, and I am happy and proud.

Theme Development 8

When one thinks of winter, an image of a snow-covered landscape probably comes to mind, but this winter is completely different from usual.

This year's winter was warm, unlike winters in previous years. I remember the weather during my school days was normal, and there was frost on the playground, but "good times didn't last long, the sky was clear again, and the sun shone." In the following months, the mild winter this year is inevitable. I have become more afraid of the cold and hope for a warmer winter, but when the winter is really not cold, I miss the beautiful snow-capped landscape. Like other children of my age, I love snow, especially the cold feeling of snowballs in my hands. After this warm winter, I miss a white winter, I miss the wind and the snow...

This winter is truly strange. Migratory birds are too lazy to fly south, animals have forgotten to hibernate, and there is now no more snow. In our city, there is a hedgehog that has forgotten to hibernate because the weather was too warm. When someone found it, the little hedgehog had very few feathers left, and its life was in danger. As the weather continues to warm, the snow-capped mountains in different regions are rapidly melting, and their height is decreasing. It seems that even the snow-capped mountains are "dying." In addition, in Harbin, the exquisite ice sculptures are also melting; the warm winter has made the hospital more "irritable" as it is easy to accidentally catch a cold, causing the number of patients in the hospital to increase significantly... and other examples have made us feel the abnormality of the winter, the mild winter this year is an undeniable fact!

Is the warm winter a blessing or a curse for you?

Theme Development 9

It is well known to all that she was a devoted mother who raised us in more than 180 countries. However, people have no idea what she did for us.

A long time ago, the Earth became a member of the solar system. At that time, many creatures lived happily on Earth. Now, humans are destroying the Earth, the number of trees is decreasing, animals are fleeing in panic, and people are like a broken family. Do you know how the Earth's deserts were formed? In fact, all these deserts are caused by humans. Humans have cut down numerous trees, which will lead to soil erosion. After the trees decay, desertification gradually occurs. Additionally, humans also waste water resources. Because there are so many people on Earth, water is indispensable for humanity. Even though humans know that water is their life resource, they do not save water. There are many rivers on Earth, but they have been polluted by humans. However, there are also many rivers that use their water to help humans generate electricity. Since humans know that water can also generate power for humans and is part of themselves, why not save water? Meanwhile, there are very few trees left on the mountain, and thousands of animals are gradually dying out. Why are humans so cruel?

Let us together protect the Earth! Let all creatures on Earth become children of the Earth, stop cutting down trees, and preserve every drop of water! Let the Earth rejuvenate itself! Let the Earth regain its rosy face; let the horses race to the extreme; let people live happily;

Theme Development 10

On a Tuesday, I heard on TV that the earthquake in Yushu, Qinghai, had a magnitude of 7.1 on the Richter scale, but I did not pay much attention and even laughed about it. Later, I went to play and saw many people coming in. When I was in the neighborhood committee building and wanted to see the excitement, I saw a little girl, about six years old, struggling with a piggy bank, trying to squeeze into the crowd. So, I also pushed my way into...

The little girl stood in front of a table, turned the piggy bank upside down on it, opened the lower lid, and heard a "crashing" noise. The aunt from the neighborhood committee nodded cautiously and then said loudly, "It's a total of 73 yuan. You've been saving for a long time, haven't you?" The little girl grinned and nodded happily. Before she left, she said, "Mom told me that many children in the disaster area of Yushu don't have enough food to eat, warm clothes, or thick blankets to sleep in the winter. She also said that Yushu is small, but we have big hearts to help them, and we should unite to help them overcome the difficulties!" As soon as she finished speaking, the people who had come to donate applauded for a long time... But as for the little girl, her voice and figure disappeared together...

When I saw this scene, a warm stream flowed into my heart, yes! Disasters are ruthless, but there is love in the world. We should all overcome this truth together. What about a 5th-grade student who is six years older but does not understand? Thinking about it, I ran home, yes, a childish girl taught me a truth I did not know for 12 years.

Theme Development 11

A full moon is embedded in the dark blue sky like a bright mirror, with no dark clouds in sight. The moonlight melts and makes the summer night sky extremely cool. I stepped on the silver gauze and entered a garden.

Upon entering the garden gate, you can see two lotus ponds on the left and right with two tall banyan trees.

Like two guardians, the daily protection of the lotus pond gives people a sacred feeling.

The lotus pond has some peculiar rock gardens. On the rock garden stand several stone cranes, some holding their heads high and appearing very proud, some spreading their wings to fly, some flapping their wings to dry their feathers, and some as if whispering. The beautiful and enchanting lotus must draw your attention to it. It fully displays its style. In the lotus pond, there are the most lotus leaves. Lotus leaves have different postures and different images. Some sit on the water like small green umbrellas, others float on the water like large plates...

Hidden among the lotus leaves are lotus flowers, some only have two or three petals spread out, and some petals are still speckled with a layer of beautiful rouge, not so much mud, but soaked in milk, very beautiful.

According to my mother, lotus leaves, lotus seeds, are highly nutritious foods. At the roots, there are also lotus roots, which everyone loves to see. Lotus leaves can also be a good way to eliminate heat and relieve a fever. It is not only elegant and beautiful but also dedicated to the whole body selflessly.

Theme Development 12

Celebrating the Spring Festival with my family, having picnics with friends, and conversing with my classmates... often make me nostalgic, but the most profound is the time I spend with my classmates...

It was Children's Day in the fifth grade. Afraid of not having enough food to eat, we all ran to the stands outside the school, dressed up, to buy stacks of snacks. The performance began, and we all sat on small chairs, enjoying the performances of others. At the same time, we were nervous as we were about to go on stage. After the programs were performed one after another, our artistic presentation was over.

In the afternoon, we had a tug-of-war. Over time, the athletes of our class became nervous. Unknowingly, we were here, and the students were all crowded together, their toes touching their heels, and holding the rope tightly with both hands. "Start!" shouted the referee, and all the students tried their best, their faces turning purple and blue. Finally, the red bar moved towards us slowly, and we won! The students cheered.

Back in class, the students talked about their dreams and a shining future. We gather joyfully on the playground, watching the performance together while talking and laughing. We assemble cheerfully on the playground, discussing the future with great joy. Ten years later, we come together to fight for our respective goals.

Theme Development 13

Everyone should know that my movements are a bit slow. I eat slowly and do my homework slowly. My teachers have scolded me, and my parents have criticized me, but it goes in one ear and out the other, and I refuse to change despite repeated warnings. Finally, something brought me to my senses. It's better to be slow. Let me tell you what happened! After having enough fun at the Tianya Haijiao beach that day, we went to rinse the sand off our feet at the tap next to the toilet. Others finished washing, but I kept playing with a few small grains of sand.

My mother said, "Go to the toilet as quickly as possible after rinsing the sand. Don't hesitate!" Everyone else came out after going to the toilet, so I slowly went in." I entered the toilet and saw that it was a five-star toilet with many lively and beautiful fish. As I stepped out, I glanced around anxiously and saw that they were leaving without me, so I went back to fetch my father, approaching him and taking his hand.

Dad scolded me loudly, "See, you're holding us back." We ran back furiously. After chasing for a while, Dad called and asked where they were. They said they were at the train station. As we ran to the train station, we found that they were not there again. It turned out they couldn't wait any longer and had already left by car. So, we trotted three steps at a time, finally running breathless and exhausted to the gate. A whole busload of passengers had been waiting for us for half an hour. I learned from this encounter that it's better to be slow!

Theme Development 14

Do you remember the sports games you participated in before? Do you remember what the sports teacher said about sportsmanship? Do you remember the person who went crazy with you during the school sports day? I think sportsmanship is probably about endurance. Our principal always likes to say, "It's a school sports meeting; if you're willing to participate, that's fine. I'm not asking you to create a ranking. I'll do that." I'll be glad if you're willing to play sports. Our sports teachers often say, "During the school sports meeting, you must consider: When you sign up for a race, you know you will lose, and you know it's me You have to run for me. Who knows what else will happen?" Whether you suddenly fall while running or die of exhaustion, you just have to remember that you will die at the end of the race . If you dare to stop halfway, I will kill you."

Back then, all the girls in our class were so frightened that their faces changed. I think what the sports teacher meant is that you should have hope in your heart and not give up before the opponent gives up. You just have to treat yourself like an opponent. If you stick with it, there might be a miracle. In my opinion, sportsmanship is perseverance. You cannot give up on yourself or underestimate yourself before others have given up on you. This behavior seemed foolish to me, so I persisted in everything I did until the end, so I was given the title by others: the desperate old squad leader. When I received this title, I could neither laugh nor cry. It was all just too strange. In sports, I believe the most important thing is endurance.

Theme Development 15

As soon as I got up, I heard a rain shower outside the window. I looked out the window, and it seemed to rain only in the sky and on the earth. The distant horizon seemed to be obscured by the rain. There was only a blurred space between heaven and earth. When I went outside, I plugged my ears at the sound of the rain and had to laugh. I can't stand such loud noises anymore. So! As I looked at the pouring rain, I remembered what the teacher had said: "When it rains, you don't need to hold an umbrella and just stay in the rain. Don't worry about what others think of you, even if they do." Say you're crazy. Sometimes you have to let go! We thought it was a joke and laughed about it. But now I feel like it's not the case.

The rain was getting heavier and seemed to wash away all the worries, sadness, and pains of the world. My heart gradually settled down. I happened to glance over and saw a child playing in the rain in the distance. This pure smile touched me. I do not know where the courage came from. Go out in the rain and play freely. Throw all rules and worries aside at that moment, indulge yourself, do not care about what others think of you, and find your own happiness! At that moment, I truly fell in love with the rain. Learn to do something good for yourself!

Theme Development 16

I often have a dream. In the dream, I stand on a colorful stage and sing and dance to my heart's content! There was warm applause from the audience, and I was full of excitement and joy. How I love this dream!

Everyone dreams, everyone has a dream! Some people want to be doctors, heal the wounded, and save the world; some want to be teachers, educate people rigorously, and pave the way for students to the palace of knowledge; others want to be policemen, punish evil and promote good, providing people with a peaceful and happy living environment; and some want to become scientists and contribute to the country's development and the great renewal of the Chinese nation!

My dream is to be a star who makes everyone laugh. With this dream, I will make tireless efforts to learn cultural knowledge and professional courses. Even though I have to rush to different art training centers every day like language courses, music instrument courses, dance courses, art courses, etc., I never feel tired in my heart because of the dream! I know that the road to your dreams will not be smooth. I am not afraid of difficulties and will never back down. Perhaps my dream is still far away, but I believe that I will not stop pursuing it until my dream comes true. In my life and studies, it is the endless love of my mother that gives me the strength to move forward, and it is the selfless teachings of the teacher that build a bridge to progress for me. I cannot fulfill my mother's expectations of me and my teacher's education. I must study harder, be strict with myself, and confidently approach the stage of my dreams. I hope that we can all achieve it on our own Realize your dream and achieve China's dream!

Theme Development 17

In the year 2113, the Earth was heavily polluted by humans, and the wastewater was dirty and foul-smelling. People threw household garbage into the river, trees were randomly cut down, and many animals and plants died. The animals couldn't stand it anymore, so they gathered for a meeting. The pony said, "I often go to the river to play and graze, and when I look at the wastewater, people step on it with their feet, and I don't dare to graze grass." The rabbit said, "Even though I am a pet, the food is terrible. because it is obviously not good to plant radishes on artificial land." The bird said, "Oh, people are destroying the Earth so wantonly, we have no hope!" The little sheep said, "No! As long as there is a chance of survival, I will work a hundred times harder!" The kitten said, "My mother saw a public notice in its owner's house. The auctioneer brought out the last plant and the last bottle on the ground. The auction price for unpolluted water exceeded 10 million. When the auctioneer brought out the last bottle of unpolluted air, the price per piece sighed because it seemed to be worth a lot of money now." Listen! After talking about the animals, Grandpa Tu came out and said, "You're right, but people spit in my face, that's really disgusting!"

The more the animals discussed, the more agitated they became, and the more they discussed, the more they finally decided to march to their favorite park, "Lehe," to advocate for people to protect the environment and to remind people to be selfless and ultimately destroy themselves.

Theme Development 18

I have a bag of delicious fruit Longan at home. Speaking of Longan, it also has a legend! One day, Tianlong watched things in the world. Suddenly, Tianlong lost its eyesight and crumbled into pieces.

Longan can usually be seen in the market and has an earthy color. It looks rough but has a delightful scent when touched. Put it on your face, it's cold ... When you peel the skin, the white and plump fruit flesh is revealed. When you taste it, it has a sweet flavor. After eating, the pit was exposed, and I took another small bite, and another scent made my mouth water.

Longan is also called Longan. It only ripens in July or August and is a specialty of our Henan region.

There is another legend about dragons. One day, the Sea Dragon King fell asleep in the Dragon Palace (dragons used to sleep standing up, with dragon balls in their mouths), and there was a small shrimp soldier who wanted to turn into a lobster. So, it carefully took the dragon ball out of the Sea Dragon King's mouth while the Sea Dragon King was asleep. When the Sea Dragon King saw it, it woke up immediately rushed forward and took the shrimp. The soldiers ate it. The dragon ball in its hand hit the dragon's eye, and the dragon ball was filled with spirituality and turned into a spiritual fruit Longan.

The Chinese are all descendants of dragons. All parents hope their children become dragons.

Theme Development 19

Today, our fourth, fifth, and sixth-grade students went on a spring outing. The destination was the Hangzhou Tea Museum. As soon as the caravan arrived at the museum's entrance, they saw a lush green tea tree, neat rows of tea trees, as neatly arranged as People's Liberation Army uncles. After getting off the bus, I saw many tea farmers picking tea leaves as quickly as chickens gathering rice. Upon entering the exhibition hall, one's eyes catch the big word "Tea." The water on it flows constantly as if the tea maker is constantly making tea. As I went further inside, I entered the inner exhibition hall. In the inner exhibition hall, I saw tea varieties like Huangdacha, Dayeqing, Mengdinghuangya, Biluochun, West Lake Longjing, Huangshan Maofeng, and so on. Upon leaving this exhibition hall, you can also see tea cakes, teapots, teapots, etc., made from tea leaves. We were impressed by this dazzling array of tea leaves, tea utensils, and tea leaves! Then we came to the place where we brewed tea. We watched the tea master attentively as he explained how to prepare tea: "First, take out a cup, pour boiling water into the warm cup, then pour the water onto the coffee table, and then put the tea leaves in, not more and not less." , too much, very bitter, too little, very light, so do not put too much in, but not too little, just enough to cover the bottom of the cup, then pour water in, warm the cup a second time, that is the last step, the last step is "Phoenix Three Nods," remember, when Phoenix San nodded, he poured more water at once until it was full. After brewing, a faint tea scent wafted into our noses, and we took a deep breath, ah! The tea culture of our country is truly profound and deserving!

Theme Development 20

Yesterday noon was the time when I thought the sky was the bluest and the clouds the whitest. The blue sky and the white clouds became decorations. There are marshmallows in the sky. I want to eat them, but I can't get them. A flower. Two, three ... Perhaps no one noticed the clouds in the sky on that day, and did not realize how beautiful they were. They just think it's a natural phenomenon. In my eyes, it is not so; it is the purest. Its purity gives us beautiful dreams about the future and gives us hope in life. On a rainy day, the clouds darkened, causing people to feel disappointed. And some lend a touch of color to the sky. The cloud takes on different poses, like a tiger, a white rabbit, a little bear, and even like my own doll, I find it very cute. Clouds float here and there without a home. They can only float with the wind, so everyone can see their beauty. Clouds give me many moods. Yun, she is truly a naughty child, as I wanted to look closely at her, I did not expect Oma Feng to suddenly take her away. Only the hot sun burned on the earth. She was so naughty. Cloud, you can make light raindrops to bring coolness, but sometimes you lose control and do many things without knowing the severity. Many people have suffered greatly due to your stubborn temperament and live in hardship. But in winter, you turn into feather-like snow, dance in the sky, and become children's favorite toy to play with. Clouds, marshmallow-like clouds.

Theme Development 21

I love autumn and its deep colors. Green pines and cypresses, as well as tall, green-dressed holly trees, stand proudly on the high hills. After a few autumn showers, the leaves on their bodies became even more lush. I remember that I used to enjoy picking a pine branch and making a wreath for my head, which was a lot of fun. The bright red maple forest paints the mountainside half-red like a ball of flames; the spots of a thousand red mountains are so beautiful... The pond in autumn does not have the excitement of summer, and there is no appealing lotus decoration. Here, only withered lotus leaves stand. Lotus leaf, lotus leaf, does your shrunken body tell me that you cannot transform into a stage for frogs to sing for a long time? Regardless, even if no one else looks at your green clothes anymore, you can still leave them to the birds in the distance to rest here. I dreamed, and the reeds began to sway. Is there no child holding the boat? It turned out to be a pair of mallards. They glided through the calm water and suddenly disappeared without a trace, and the waves rippled layer by layer. The two ducks stretched their necks, sang loudly, and scurried around among the dense reeds. From time to time, you can see a few goldfinches at the distant riverbank that stay with us longest until the heavy snow covers their favorite food seeds. The beauty of autumn is wonderful, peaceful, and incomparable.

Theme Development 22

There are many flowers, some are fragrant, and some are not. But I believe flowers should be fragrant, yet some "flowers" simply do not exude any scent. One Saturday, I was on the bus back to my hometown and saw a very beautiful older sister on the bus. She is relatively tall and has lovely facial features. I thought this elder sister must also be a very kind person. After two stops, an elderly woman in her sixties or seventies boarded the bus. She hobbled on crutches and couldn't stand steadily. She felt on the verge of collapse. The conductor supported her and kindly said, "Grandma, let me talk to the young lady and see if I can give you my seat." The conductor approached the older sister and said, "Miss, can you keep your seat for her?" Before the conductor could finish speaking. She looked impatient, saying, "Where are you sitting? I managed to get this seat. Why should I give it to her?" Her voice grew louder as she spoke.

The conductor returned to the side of the old woman. At this moment, a little girl ran up smiling and said, "Auntie, let the old lady sit in my seat." She then helped the old lady to her seat. People in the bus also started talking: "Look at how kind this little girl is! An adult is worse than a child. This person looks quite nice. How can she be like that?" Finally, the older sister couldn't bear to listen to the driver anymore and shouted loudly, "Open the door! Open the door! I want to get off the bus! Figure out. I don't find her so ‌‌beautiful anymore. There are always a few flowers in the world that don't want to give off fragrance. I hope all flowers can have a scent.

Theme Development 23

Have you ever seen an article like this one, selected from "Longmenzi's Condensation of Tao"? "Duan Qianwei." It tells the story of General Wu Qi's morsel. Once Wu Qi invited his friends to dinner at home. They didn't come for lunchtime. Wu Qi did not eat lunch because he kept his word and waited for his friends to dine together. Then it got dark, and none of his friends arrived. Wu Qi waited for his friend to dine together to keep his promise, but he did not eat. Thus, he remained hungry all day until his servants fetched his friends the next day to dine with them. After reading this story, I was touched by Wu Qi's attitude of keeping his word. Compared to him, I am far behind.

The last time on Wang Siyi's birthday, I promised to wait for her at school to attend her birthday party, but one day, my grandma came to my house, and my brother and sister also came. I forgot the arrangement with Wang Siyi because I got caught up playing against her. As a result, Wang Siyi waited at school and eventually came to my house to find me. It was truly embarrassing then. Looking back, it is indeed embarrassing compared to Wu Qi. Wang Anshi expressed it well, "Loyal officials are not honored by deeds, and believers are not willing to break contracts for profit." It is vital for elementary school students to talk about credits. Only those who are trustworthy can gain the respect of others, and only those who are reliable can earn the trust of others. Therefore, from now on, I will be a trustworthy child like Wu Qi.

Theme Development 24

Temperatures exceeded 30 degrees on that Monday, making it seem like summer had arrived early. When school ended, I smelled the scent that felt like summer to me, and even a touch of madness. I became increasingly sure that this was the summer of my childhood. At six in the afternoon, everyone came to the street in front of my building with bikes, badminton rackets, and shuttlecocks, as usual. I don't know when or why we fell in love with badminton, but it's summer vacation anyway, so we can do anything.

Since there is no dedicated place in the community to play badminton, we had to use the ground thresholds as a net, the bikes and road cliffs as the net's height, and the road cliffs on both sides as sidelines, creating a semi-imaginary badminton court. The competition format is an arena battle. Each person takes turns in the agreed order, and the loser exits the ring to be replaced by the next. The ultimate victor will still be the "King of the Shuttlecocks."

About an hour after the "battle" began, everyone went one by one to buy water. When everyone was tired, they sat down for a while, asking, "How long will this kind of life last?" "However long it lasts, just enjoy it!" After the competition, I rode bikes around the community with my friends. It was already ten o'clock, and the gentle evening breeze blew, which was truly relaxing. I truly miss my carefree childhood days.

Theme Development 25

In my childhood, many little things happened. Some are unforgettable, some are happy, and some are sad. But what makes me happiest and most memorable is my birthday. Each of my birthdays is celebrated with my family because celebrating birthdays at home creates a very warm atmosphere. And I have a great time celebrating my birthday at home. And each birthday means I have grown a year older. On each birthday, I buy myself a cake that I enjoy, and my mother also prepares red eggs for me and gives me a gift. I particularly love blowing out candles and making birthday wishes.

Every time I make a birthday wish, I don't know what to wish for. So, each time I make a birthday wish, I hope to get good grades after my graduation. In the blink of an eye, I have grown into an adult. In the past two years, I have spent my birthdays with my classmates. At the birthday party, we talked, laughed, and enjoyed this happy time together. On my birthday, my classmates will give me a few gifts. Although these gifts may be inexpensive, they are still thoughtful. So, I enjoy celebrating birthdays very much because I'm very excited when I celebrate birthdays and receive many gifts. I wish my birthday would come soon so I can eat cake again and receive gifts. But time will pass, and so will the happy times. It would be nice if time could pass a bit slower so we could stay in the happy times. Childhood, the happiness I long for.

Theme Development 26

My hometown is Zhongning, a beautiful and prosperous place. Goji berries and red dates are world-famous, while Tan Yang and Ermao are famous throughout the country, but I have a special fondness for the lotus pond in my hometown. Every year in July and August, the lotus spreads its beautiful form. The lotus is large and erect, like the dancing skirt of a graceful girl. There are many varieties of lotus flowers, some in bud, some just opening two or three petals, and some with flower buds. Under the shelter of a lotus leaf, several lotus flowers appeared. Some are as white as jade, some as pink and delicate as clouds, some as white as a girl's delicate skin, and some as white as pristine snow. Pink is like the sunset in the sky, shy. You see, the girl with the bud is truly like a shy girl who refuses to show her smile to others, semi-open, like a pure girl, holding her face with her white hands.

The lotus leaves on the river are emerald green, in various colors, smooth, and shiny. They cluster like a huge jasper plate. Some emerged from the water, others floated on the water, and some curled up. A breeze blew by, and the lotus danced, swaying in its beautiful posture, attracting countless butterflies flying around the lotus. Tourists on the roadside were drawn to this beautiful sight and stopped. Lotus, you not only leave people with wonderful memories with your "Never tainted, but never separated from the mud" style, but you also attract people to watch with your fragrance. I love my hometown, and I love the lotus pond in my hometown even more.

Theme Development 27

Everyone has things that touch them, and we often feel deep emotions because of these touching things. I remember one Wednesday after school when we just came out of school; we saw an old lady sitting on the ground. Her face was wrinkled like a piece of bark, her hair was disheveled, her clothes were dirty and torn, and she held a glass in her hand. She kept saying, "Have mercy on me and please give her some money!" Everyone who passed by felt sorry for her and gave her some money. Since I hadn't brought any money, I couldn't give her anything.

Just as I was about to leave, one classmate was still standing there and seemed to be thinking about something. I was about to go over and ask him why he hadn't left, but he slowly took it out of his pocket. I placed my pocket money in the glass in the old lady's hand. The old lady looked at him with grateful eyes and said, "Thank you!" I was very moved seeing this scene, so I ran to my father and said to him, "Dad, can you give me some money?" He asked me aloud: "What do you want to do? Do you want to buy useless snacks again?" I whispered, "No, I want to give this old lady some money," and I pointed at the old lady. Dad opened his wallet and gave me a yuan. I gave the money to the old lady.

As long as you are touched, there will be warmth, so we should help others more and make life better!

Theme Development 28

I feel that the truest happiness one can share with everyone is the happiest. I remember once our dance class went to Rizhao to participate in a dance competition. My mother prepared many delicious foods for me, including drinks, snacks, chocolate, etc. But Wang Jing came empty-handed and brought nothing tasty. All the classmates enthusiastically ate their snacks, but Wang Jing was the only one who watched eagerly. So, I said to her, "Wang Jing, I have delicious food here. Come over and help me get rid of it. Take the heavy... Whatever you like, just get it yourself." Wang Jing was very happy and said to me while eating, "Thank you; your mother is so kind to you, but my mother is afraid I will gain weight and never lets me eat snacks." Suddenly, I felt like there was happiness in this snack.

On the way, classmates chatted, laughed, and even Wang Jing was no longer depressed. When we arrived at the competition venue, we saw other performances had already begun. We waited in the waiting room. After a while, the host announced we were on stage. We wore beautiful costumes, stood properly, confidently entered the stage, and started dancing to the beautiful music. Jumping and dancing, the audience remembered the thunderous applause, and even the judges and teachers looked at us approvingly. It turns out that happiness lies in the warm eyes we enjoy together. When you share your happiness with others, you have two parts of happiness; sharing is the main theme of the dance of happiness. Let's dance together!

Theme Development 29

The weather during this Spring Festival is so fine, the sun is shining! My mother took advantage of the holidays and traveled with my grandma and me for two days to Shenzhen. Dongshen's Overseas Chinese Town is divided into three parts: the Grand Canyon, the Haiyun Valley, and the Tea Creek Valley. Among them, in my opinion, the Grand Canyon is the most interesting. There are many rides in the Grand Canyon, and the most thrilling is the ride on the "Sea of Clouds Cableway"! We squeezed into the crowd, waited in line for more than an hour, and finally boarded the cable car. I was both excited and nervous. As it started, the cable car slowly ascended along the cable. At that moment, I lowered my head and exclaimed: "What a beautiful landscape!" Dense trees covered the entire mountaintop. The beautiful villa on a hill stands on the mountain, in the distance lies the famous Dameisha Beach, and the beautiful scenery is unobstructed. When I reached the mountain peak, I immediately disembarked from the cable car, rushed to the overpass, and climbed the stairs. Wow! It's a U-shaped glass viewing platform. The entire viewing platform is made of glass. As I started to ascend, my feet really felt weak. When you walk onto the viewing platform and look down, it feels like floating in the air, enjoying a panoramic view of the mountains and the sea from a height of 480 meters. It's truly exhilarating! Finally, we rode the "Jungle Train" down the mountain. The train was so fast that it took us from the peak to the foot of the mountain in no time, truly through the jungle! The trip was hectic and tiring, but I had a happy New Year.

Theme Development 30

When I came home on Sunday, I saw my mother cleaning the house. I thought my mother would get backaches if she worked so hard. So, I fetched a bowl of hot water, wrung a hot towel, took the mop, and handed the towel to my mother. Then, under my mother's satisfied gaze, I began to mop the floor. It seemed like a simple task, but in my hands, it wasn't as easy as in my mother's. If it's too light, I can't wipe away the dirt. If it's too heavy, I can't exert my strength. The mop seems to weigh a thousand pounds in my hand. Finally, I managed, but I was already exhausted. But because I wanted to accomplish the next task, I reluctantly straightened my back and walked over to my mother. I pulled my mother onto the sofa and started massaging her back. However, after hammering for less than two minutes, my hands felt weak just as I was thinking about resting when I wanted to say to my mother, "Comfortable, comfortable!" As my mother turned around, massaging my wrists, she said, "It's good that Mom knows what you mean, but in the future, you have to learn how to endure and have perseverance to do something well!" I nodded. In my heart, I thought: Yes, my mother cooks, cleans, and goes to work every day, but she never complains about being tired. And because I can't endure, I always fail to achieve what I set out to do. In the future, we must get rid of this bad habit.

Theme Development 31

The cold and long winter is finally over, and warm spring has arrived. Let's follow the footsteps of spring and feel the beauty of nature! Early in the morning, I opened the white window, and the birds that had been silent for a long time were singing familiar songs again. The wind was gentle, carrying the scent we hadn't smelled in a long time, and blowing towards us together with the warm sunshine, causing an itch on my face. The moist earth seemed to turn green overnight, and young grass blades sprouted from the ground. The willows have become softer. They displayed themselves in enchanting poses by the stream. Everything in the world seems to have a youthful appearance. At that moment, my mood suddenly improved; I dared not even speak loudly for fear of disrupting this beautiful scenery. However, I couldn't resist the temptation of this beautiful scenery and with my friends, I stepped onto this green meadow. The grass under our feet was soft, as if stepping on a quilt. Listen, they also make a "squeaking" sound, like the beautiful melody of a harmonica. The stream water is very clear in early spring. Although it's not yet time to play in the water, my hands have already lost control. I dipped my hands in the water, cupped them, took a "bowl" of water, and sprayed it into the air. The water droplets sparkled, spread out, and then fell one by one, causing ripples in the water. Spring is warm and interesting, it brings us a blooming world and a sea of joy.

Theme Development 32

One day, Xiaohu's mother had just finished drying the clothes, and Xiaohu happened to be playing with her. When someone stole the clothes, she called me. He was only five years old and a little bored. He just stood dumbly and obediently kept an eye on his clothes. He teased you that he was a clothes thief, so he went to Xiaohu and said, "What's your name?" Xiaohu followed him and said, "What's your name?" I asked you to play with me, and Xiaohu said, "You play with me." No, no, I'm teasing you. Period: I'm teasing you, pretending to play Uncle. "Well, little tiger is good," he teased you, stole a few clothes, and ran away. "Mom, someone stole our clothes!" The exclamation said: "Hey! It's really evil! Someone stole it right after the cold weather! Who is it?" "Hey, this child can lie from a young age." steals a thief at a young age" The thief of clothes came and stole a few more items and escaped: "Mom! "Someone stole it again." "Who is it?" "I'm teasing you." "You boy, stop making trouble, or I'll tease you." He laughed secretly, hey, I'm so clever! The child repeatedly said things like, "Hey, you child is so disobedient, I will stop you!" What a bargain! "I will beat you to death, boy." I am speechless! They reported it to the Shuangyinhao police, who conducted a comprehensive search. It took three days and three nights to catch him. Thank you, Shuangyinhao police.

Theme Development 33

There are many types of medications in the world that can heal people. But why isn't there a medicine for regret? Time keeps moving forward, but why don't you stop for me and let me make amends? Nagging was for my own good, but why didn't I understand it back then. "Be careful, don't fall! Grandpa used to say that to me often. But I used to hate that phrase. I'm sorry, Grandpa. In the past, I always perceived what you said as nagging and ignored it. But now, I can't bear to listen to it anymore. As time passes step by step and your hair is covered with these hateful white hairs, I still don't know how to appreciate your concern for my own good. I really miss you; I would cherish the time I spent with you. I cry to the sky, but I can't hold on to it. I know that people can't come back to life, Grandpa, please forgive me, be my Grandpa in the next life, honor me. I will always love you, Grandpa. Nurturing your loved ones is for your own good. Don't be like me, or you will regret it. Everything in the world has feelings. Please use your heart to give back to the people you love, accept the love they give, and don't let regret set in!

Theme Development 34

A company in the United States, in collaboration with the media, conducted a public survey on the topic "Who is Your Hero?" to select 20 heroes in the public's hearts. In the selection results, besides celebrities, there were 10 "Life's Heroes." Even though they are not very well known, their "heroic deeds" are indeed thought-provoking: There was a soldier named Hugh Thompson who joined the army in 1967 to fight in Vietnam. To save nine Vietnamese civilians surrounded by the United States from a massacre, he aimed his weapon at his comrades: "If you shoot, I will shoot." His actions were criticized at the time and subject to official investigations, but later, he was awarded the Vietnam Veterans Medal by the Pentagon. In the list of "Life's Heroes," he ranks second. Another soldier also participated in the Vietnam War, John McCain. He stayed in Vietnam from 1967 for 6 years, but during those 6 years, he did not fight on the battlefield but was a prisoner of war in the camp. It was such a prisoner of war who, upon his return, was not only treated as a hero but also became a "cadre" (entered the political arena). In the ranking, he ranks sixth. There was also a Black woman named Rosa Parks. On December 1, 1955, Parks took an overcrowded bus to get home from work. Exhausted, she sat on the white seat and refused to give up her seat to a rude white man. She was taken to court. Later, it triggered a nationwide black civil rights movement. She ranks ninth in the list.

Theme Development 35

Accidentally, a pink cloud floated from a tree by the roadside. The pink resembled a red drop in the water and slowly and calmly spread out, like clouds and puffs. On closer inspection, the pink cloud originally consisted of three or five petals forming a parasol shape, with the stamens elegantly protruding from the flower umbrella as if the beauties were greeting each other. I thought they were peach blossoms or plum blossoms, but after looking online, I found out they were cherry blossoms. When you look up under the cherry blossom tree, countless little cherry blossoms cover the branches, so that the entire tree and its branches are covered in pink. It's strange why there isn't a single green leaf on the tree. Through the gaps in the pink clouds, you can still see the blue sky. I tried to pick a small cherry blossom, but as soon as I touched the branch, the cherry blossoms fell like rain onto the green grass. When the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, it is essential for the Japanese to go where the cherry blossoms bloom most beautifully, eat sushi, drink Japanese sake, and get intoxicated by the "Hanafuki snow" flying in the sky for a year. The Japanese believe that life is short and should be as bright as cherry blossoms. In fact, a single cherry blossom is not very beautiful, but the blooming stages of a cherry blossom tree almost all bloom simultaneously, when the cherry blossom trees are arranged in rows, it will be quite spectacular. Also, the blooming time of the cherry blossoms is very short; after two weeks, there are no blossoms left on the entire tree. The pink clouds must reappear next year.

Theme Development 36

My grandma told me the following: Once when she returned from buying vegetables, she was about to go upstairs. The back pain she had suffered from for many years flared up, and she screamed "Ouch, ouch, ouch." At that moment, she saw an aunt who heard grandma's cry and ran over to help grandma step by step up the stairs to the front door. When grandma thanked her aunt, she said softly, "No thanks, we're neighbors!" Furthermore, my mother is about the same age as you, and I hope she has someone to help her when she gets into such a situation! After hearing this, I felt warm for a long time. I remember my mother and I once halfway up the mountain. I was worried and kept calling for my mother. passed by, and asked, concerned: "Child, what's wrong with you?" "I can't find my mother!" I said loudly. After listening to my words, the aunt asked me if I remembered my mother's phone number. The aunt took out her mobile phone and called her, looking for my mother, and my mother was also eager to find me. After waiting for over half an hour, my mother and I quickly arrived at the aunt's place. The aunt waved it off and said, "Don't be angry, I should do that!" Yes, old people are as old as others, and young people are as young as others! If we sincerely treat others and empathize with others in our lives, we will respect the elderly and take care of children more, and society will make people more tolerant and understanding!

Theme Development 37

Love is caring and nurturing; it is all around us. Each of us needs care, and caregiving is indispensable in life. If others show care towards us, then we should care for others so that the world is full of — Love is! Caring for others can start with small things, like helping a blind man cross the street; these are all manifestations of caring for others. I remember when I was in fifth grade, my mother and I went to a nursing home to visit elderly people. There, we helped with cleaning, served them tea, chatted with the elderly, and put on a show for them. I was delighted to see them smiling so brightly that I felt like crying. They are already old, shouldn't we pay them even more attention? I think they must warm hearts! Especially an old man, although he only has a few hairs and a few teeth, he has a radiant smile like a child. He listened to the opera with me and taught me how to speak the Wenzhou dialect, Anyway, the dialect of our homeland. The old people and I had a lot of fun and laughed very happily! Now I sincerely call on my friends worldwide to care for others, the elderly, yourself, and everyone around you, so you and everyone around you can be filled with love! May the world be filled with love, may care be everywhere.