Heartwarming Journey of Bella: From Stray Dog to Guardian of a Baby Puma

Follow the incredible story of Bella, a stray dog who embarked on a two-year adventure to find her way back home. From forming bonds with a baby puma to overcoming dangerous challenges, Bella's tale of resilience, love, and family will tug at your heartstrings and inspire you. Witness the power of unwavering loyalty and the joy of reunion in this heartwarming viral saga.

A Puma Begs for Help from a Dog - You Will Be Shocked to Learn Why Getting Along Like Cats and Dogs

You have probably heard the saying "fighting like cats and dogs," but you will be surprised to learn that it doesn't apply here. This is the story of a stray dog named Bella. She had spent part of her life in an abandoned building where cats and dogs lived together. The cats were not enemies; they were part of the family. All these animals lived in harmony and did not bother anyone.

One day, two animal control officers raided the house. They captured all the dogs that Bella considered family, and in just a few minutes, the little dog found herself all alone. That's when one of the officers grabbed Bella. However, Bella didn't just have a family of dogs, but also a family of cats. When the officer tried to take her, one of the cats attacked him. The officer decided to back off and quickly left the scene.

Meet Lucas and Olivia

Lucas and Olivia were two animal lovers who did their best to visit the stray cats and dogs in the neighborhood. Despite humans destroying Bella's family, Lucas was different. He went to the ruined building every day to feed the cats.

That day, Bella ran to join them. Lucas and Olivia immediately fell in love with the friendly and energetic Bella. Lucas brought the young dog home so she could keep company with his mother while he was in class.

A Wonderful Canine Life

Bella loved Lucas and her new home. As she was still a puppy, everything was a game to her. She played all day, and Lucas was a good master. Even when she misbehaved, Lucas never got angry with her. Bella grew up quickly, but she was just as happy as when she was smaller.

One day, Lucas found a letter taped to their door. The owner was coming to check the house since dogs were not allowed inside. Lucas and his mother had no choice but to hide Bella in the veterans' association building.

Hiding the Dog

Bella thought it was a new game, but she didn't find it very fun. Locked in a closet all alone, the pup began to bark for Lucas to come back. Throughout the building, people could hear her barks through the ceilings.

One of the employees found Bella, but instead of shooing her away, he led her to group therapy as a guest. During the session, Bella used her special powers to comfort the veterans. But they had to hide her so the staff wouldn't find her...

Everyone Loved Her

All the veterans instantly adored her and used very creative ways to hide her from the doctor. Fortunately, everyone in this group loved dogs and wasn't afraid to break the rules. Eventually, Lucas and Olivia obtained a permit for Bella so she could legally help the veterans.

Naturally, the dog thought it was a great game. One day, as he walked with their dog, Lucas and Olivia discovered that Bella's former home was going to be demolished. The cats were in danger, but the owner didn't care about all those stray cats.

Stopping the Demolition

Lucas and Olivia immediately stopped the destruction, which angered the owner immensely. Sometimes, making the right decision because it's right can have terrible consequences. That night, an animal control officer showed up at their door, threatening to take Bella away because she was dangerous. It couldn't be a coincidence. This gave Lucas an idea...

To save Bella, Lucas taught her the game "go home." That way, she would be able to return home by herself. One day, a mischievous squirrel decided to taunt Bella from outside the window. Naturally, she chased after it. That's when Lucas noticed the officers were after her...

The Pound

Lucas eventually found Bella on the street, but the animal control officers were not far behind him. It was already too late for Lucas, and he had no choice but to let them take Bella to the pound.

Of course, she wasn't the only dog there. Scared and sad, she did everything she could to find Lucas again, but nothing worked. The next morning, someone she recognized appeared.


Lucas had come back for her. Although he came to take her home, the animal control officer gave him a warning and explained what would happen to Bella if she was caught again. It was so cruel. Left with no option, Lucas entrusted Bella to Olivia's parents, who lived out of town.

As expected, the pound officer worked for the mean owner. But Lucas's mother had scared him so much with her advice that the young man chose to let Bella leave town.

Saying Goodbye

Lucas and Bella obviously shared emotional farewells. Bella didn't understand why she had to go so far away or why Lucas didn't come with her. Was it because she hadn't played "go home" when he ordered her to? Olivia's parents were good people who played with Bella and fed her well.

The dog tried to appreciate her new home, but it wasn't the same. It wasn't her family. Bella missed Lucas immensely. So she decided to jump over the fence and go back home. Eventually, Bella arrived in a new town.

Continuing Her Journey Home

There, Bella made new friends in the form of a small pack of stray dogs. Plus, receiving food from kind-hearted humans was easier than hunting rabbits. But at nightfall, Bella had a sad realization about her new friends. She could have stayed in that town and joined a new family, but she chose to continue on the road instead.

One day, the dog detected a blood scent and followed it. It led her to a puma that had been killed by hunters. Near the scene, Bella found a baby puma who was all alone. Remembering her own family of cats, Bella adopted the kitten and kept it warm every night.


Together, they traveled through the wilderness. Bella was clever; she had learned how to survive. She needed humans for food. Sometimes, it was easier with some than with others. Soon, the kitten grew, reaching the size of its adoptive mother. Bella loved her little puma and was ready to defend him at all costs, even if she had to fight other animals... Like that day when a group of coyotes surrounded them.

Fortunately, they scattered when three men approached. Just when it seemed that Bella was finally going to be reunited with Lucas, the men were scared off by the small puma, who didn't mean to, and ran away. Bella and the kitten continued their journey, playing new games and making new memories together. But after a few days on the road, the duo found a new companion!

Finding a Human

A man was skiing with his dog. When he noticed Bella and the kitten, he approached them calmly. But Bella was comfortable with people, and she let him enter their space. Excited to be in contact with a human and a dog again after so long, she started barking. The other dog responded warmly, but their barks caused an avalanche.

The owner was severely injured. But soon, two other skiers appeared and rescued him. While the dog's owner was in the hospital, the two skiers adopted Bella and the new dog. Unfortunately, the kitten had been lost in the avalanche...

A New Family?

Her new life was not so bad; she was warm and had a full belly every day. One day, the two men brought Bella and her new friend to the old skier who had come out of the hospital. Although the dog was happy to see his master again, the man was just a bitter old man who didn't take care of his furry companion at all. The mean old man didn't deserve his dog.

Fortunately, shortly after the man disowned his dog, the two skiers adopted him. Although Bella was glad her friend had found a new loving home, she knew her true home was elsewhere. And so, she escaped again.

A New Friend

When Bella reached a new town, she was adopted by a homeless man. Despite the fact that this man had nothing but the clothes on his back, he always made sure Bella had something to eat. The old man truly loved Bella and was constantly afraid she would leave him.

But in the end, it was he who left her first, while she was chained up and unable to escape. His love for the dog had ended up hurting her. After the man's death, Bella became very weak from hunger and thirst.

Surrounded by Wild Coyotes

No matter how long she waited, no one came to save her. She was about to give up when two children found her. The kids freed her from her chain, and she started running, more determined than ever to find Lucas.

In the wild, the coyotes started chasing her again. Even though Bella ran as fast as she could, she had a pack on her tail. So she ended up being surrounded by hungry coyotes. But the dog still had hope.

It was the Kitten!

She attacked first. But what could she do against all these enemies? Just when it seemed like the end, a puma suddenly appeared and jumped into the fight. Indeed, this puma was the kitten of Bella. Except it wasn't a baby anymore, but a full-grown adult. If Bella could find a family member out in the wild, then there was still hope for Lucas.

Bella was so excited to present her new family to Lucas and dream of their life together. Unfortunately, the puma knew he couldn't go back with Bella, and Bella knew she had to be by Lucas's side. Even though it was a tough choice, they each went their separate ways, for the last time, leaving the forest.

Finally Found

She continued her journey homeward, limping from her broken paw. Eventually, after two long years, she found herself in front of Lucas's house. But rushing inside, it turned out it wasn't the childhood home she remembered, and the people inside were not her family.

They were actually scared by Bella's arrival. They called the pound, and as expected, the officer on the phone immediately recognized Bella. She was smart and escaped through the window to go to the other place where Lucas might be.

The Veterans' Association

This was her last hope. Bella limped to the veterans' association. Once there, the dog noticed that some things had changed since her departure. There were even more dogs in the building there to support the veterans. But that didn't mean people had forgotten Bella.

In fact, her old friends were all excited to see the dog again and welcomed her warmly. More importantly, she had finally found Lucas, and he hadn't forgotten her either. Their joyous reunion was interrupted by a fleet of police cars right outside the veterans' association.

Defending Bella

The animal control officer had called for backup to capture Bella. If they managed to get hold of her, they would most likely put her down. Fortunately, none of the veterans wanted to give up on Bella.

They all stood up for the little dog to support her in the same way she had supported them back then. And just when it seemed all hope was lost, Bella was saved thanks to a technicality.

A Joyful and Heartwarming Ending

Although the city of Denver did not allow pit bulls, the veterans' association was federal property. Animal control had no jurisdiction here. Bella went back home, where she belonged, with the people she loved. Lucas and Olivia had never forgotten her. They had even kept her favorite blanket and played her favorite game with her. A joyful and heartwarming ending.

Bella's journey back home took her two years to accomplish. Throughout that time, she never forgot the people she loved, despite the trials she went through. She remained sweet and friendly. It's a touching story of perseverance and the love brought by family.