Hiker's Shocking Discovery Reveals Secret Experiment in the Forest | The Clip Funny
Hiker's Shocking Discovery Reveals Secret Experiment in the Forest | The Clip Funny
A hiker's unexpected encounter with a mysterious object leads to a bizarre turn of events as they inadvertently stumble upon a secret experiment being...

1. Hiker's Shocking Discovery Reveals Secret Experiment in the Forest | The Clip Funny

A Hiker Discovers Something in the Middle of the Forest and Hears a Loud Noise Approaching Him


James was incredibly surprised when he suddenly heard a loud BANG coming from the depths of the forest. It sounded like something had exploded, and the ground beneath him had almost trembled. "What was that?!" This woods were normally very calm and quiet.

That's why he loved hiking there often. He had never heard anything like it before... or even anything similar. His mind told him to stay away as far as possible, but he couldn't help but be extremely curious.

Perhaps someone needs help

Moreover, if people or animals were involved in this explosion, they probably needed help. And they were very far from civilization in this place. James might even be the only person who heard the noise, making him their only hope?!

So, against his better judgment, James decided to head in the direction from which the noise seemed to originate. He had no idea how far he would have to go, but he was determined. Little did he know that turning back and going home would have been the best solution...

Is there something to discover?

The further James walked, the less certain he became about the path he was taking. He had never ventured so far into this forest. He hadn't heard any more noise or anything similar since the first explosion.

He didn't even know exactly what he was looking for. He was blindly moving forward, following a random noise, after all. Maybe he had already passed it, or perhaps there was nothing to find in the first place...

A big gray object

But James didn't have to wait any longer, and he didn't need to worry anymore whether he would be able to find the source of the noise. His eyes had found what they were looking for...

He could clearly see from afar the gray colors that didn't belong in the middle of the lush forest. At first, he thought he had stumbled upon a huge rock, but it was something very different.


James knew he had to investigate. The closer he got, the more the object seemed artificial. It was not a work of nature. James wasn't even sure if it was created by humans?!

But he quickly dismissed that idea. He felt a bit ridiculous contemplating the other option if it wasn't of human origin. Humans must have created this thing, but what was it??

Too many questions

James was finally standing in front of the object. It was huge compared to him, and its exterior was cold to the touch. The hiker had no idea what it was. How did this thing end up here??

Was it the cause of the enormous explosion he had heard? Who else knew about it? Were there other people watching from a distance? He had too many questions and not enough answers. He had to keep investigating.

Does it come from space??

Although the object was definitely artificial, it didn't mean it couldn't come from space. It could have fallen from the sky, and the BANG was probably the sound it produced upon impact.

So, he was back to his first idea, the one he had tried to ignore, deeming it too ridiculous. But as James continued examining it, that option quickly became impossible.


James was incredibly surprised when he suddenly heard a loud BANG coming from the depths of the forest. It sounded like something had exploded, and the ground beneath him had almost trembled. "What was that?!" This woods were normally very calm and quiet.

That's why he loved hiking there often. He had never heard anything like it before... or even anything similar. His mind told him to stay away as far as possible, but he couldn't help but be extremely curious.

Perhaps someone needs help

Moreover, if people or animals were involved in this explosion, they probably needed help. And they were very far from civilization in this place. James might even be the only person who heard the noise, making him their only hope?!

So, against his better judgment, James decided to head in the direction from which the noise seemed to originate. He had no idea how far he would have to go, but he was determined. Little did he know that turning back and going home would have been the best solution...

Is there something to discover?

The further James walked, the less certain he became about the path he was taking. He had never ventured so far into this forest. He hadn't heard any more noise or anything similar since the first explosion.

He didn't even know exactly what he was looking for. He was blindly moving forward, following a random noise, after all. Maybe he had already passed it, or perhaps there was nothing to find in the first place...

A big gray object

But James didn't have to wait any longer, and he didn't need to worry anymore whether he would be able to find the source of the noise. His eyes had found what they were looking for...

He could clearly see from afar the gray colors that didn't belong in the middle of the lush forest. At first, he thought he had stumbled upon a huge rock, but it was something very different.


James knew he had to investigate. The closer he got, the more the object seemed artificial. It was not a work of nature. James wasn't even sure if it was created by humans?!

But he quickly dismissed that idea. He felt a bit ridiculous contemplating the other option if it wasn't of human origin. Humans must have created this thing, but what was it??

Too many questions

James was finally standing in front of the object. It was huge compared to him, and its exterior was cold to the touch. The hiker had no idea what it was. How did this thing end up here??

Was it the cause of the enormous explosion he had heard? Who else knew about it? Were there other people watching from a distance? He had too many questions and not enough answers. He had to keep investigating.

Does it come from space??

Although the object was definitely artificial, it didn't mean it couldn't come from space. It could have fallen from the sky, and the BANG was probably the sound it produced upon impact.

So, he was back to his first idea, the one he had tried to ignore, deeming it too ridiculous. But as James continued examining it, that option quickly became impossible.

Completely intact

The treetops surrounding the object were completely intact. Not a single broken branch. Nothing had fallen around the object, which meant it hadn't crashed from space.

Moreover, there was no visible damage to the ground. Not even a hole or a broken stone. Wouldn't an object from space leave a big impact? The answer must lie elsewhere.

Many cables

James bent down and tried to look under the object. It seemed to be connected to the ground or at least to something underground. With his nose in the dust, the hiker managed to see what was there.

Cables of multiple colors were coming out of a thick black pipe deep inside the object and were sinking into the ground. Could James reach what was obviously underneath??

It is powered

James attempted to dig a little around the cables. Moving the soil was difficult, and he wasn't making much progress. The cables kept sinking deeper, but he couldn't dig any further.

The ground was becoming harder, and he didn't have a shovel. Regardless of the nature of the mysterious object, it was being powered by a source of energy. James was becoming more and more curious. He had to know what it was.

A door??

James began circling around the object. If there was energy, there must also be a way to enter inside. Perhaps a hatch or a small vent?? Anything would do.

He just wanted to take a quick look, a quick glance. Although being able to enter the object would have been much cooler... if it was possible. But would his wish be granted in the end?

No entrance

All James could find was a circular hole closed by a thick steel door. He definitely wouldn't be able to get in that way. He had to try to find another entrance. But there was nothing else.

Whoever had placed this object here didn't want to allow intruders inside. They probably didn't want anyone outside the situation to know either.

Going back home

James continued to stare at the object, but night was approaching. His curiosity was still piqued by this mystery, but he also knew that the sun was setting and he needed to go back home.

James didn't like the idea of leaving in case the object would be moved during the night. However, he decided to come back early the next morning to continue his investigation. He wasn't equipped to spend the night in the forest.

Another BANG?!

But suddenly, it happened again?! It was completely unexpected. A huge BANG resounded. It was ten times louder now that James was standing right next to the mysterious object.

It was as if a bomb had exploded near his head. Maybe that was even the case?! James was surprised that he wasn't blown away instantly. Or maybe that was also the case here!


The buzzing in James's head was so loud that he felt as if his brain had instantly disconnected. He couldn't move his arms or legs... his whole body, in fact.

He couldn't see straight anymore, and nothing existed for him... nothing except the buzzing in his ears. Eventually, the sensation passed, leaving him defenseless and at the mercy of the forest.


James felt himself slowly regaining consciousness. He didn't know where he was or how long he had been out. He could barely see in front of his nose, and his body felt light.

And the buzzing in his ears was still there, but it was fainter now. What he was certain of was that someone or something was carrying him away from the object.

Being transported

The forest was passing by slowly in front of him, and in the distance, the gray object was fading away as he moved farther away. Maybe the person carrying him had also placed that thing in the forest??

Perhaps they were going to prevent him from going home?? Maybe they wouldn't let him leave at all?! He was starting to feel nervous but was too weak to attempt anything.

Trying to escape

The person carrying him seemed to be doing so quite comfortably. They were clearly strong. Now that James was regaining his senses, he tried to resist the grip of what he assumed was a man.

As soon as the person felt James wriggling on their shoulder, they abruptly stopped. That was even more frightening. James found himself thinking that he would have preferred the stranger not to stop at all. Who was it??

Who is the mysterious man??

The man let James fall from his shoulder, and it was only then that the hiker could clearly see him. Judging by the uniform he was wearing, he immediately understood who he was dealing with.

It was a forest ranger. His stern face showed no emotion, and his eyes fixed on the hiker were fierce. But would he help James?? And did he know what that object was??

A secret experiment

It turned out that James had stumbled upon a secret experiment being conducted in the forest. Using controlled small explosions, they were trying to create a specific chemical reaction.

But these experiments were meant to be hidden from the public, and they had not installed a barrier around the safety perimeter to avoid drawing attention. So, James received a nice compensation in exchange for his silence.






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