"Extravagant Dubai: Where Horses Reside Like Kings and Gold Bars Are Vended!"
"Extravagant Dubai: Where Horses Reside Like Kings and Gold Bars Are Vended!"
Discover the extraordinary world of Dubai, where luxury knows no bounds and viral-worthy moments await! Experience the opulence of Dubai's horse stables, where these magnificent creatures reside in accommodations fit for royalty. Marvel at the glittering chandeliers and marble floors, an unexpected sight for traditional stables.

Dubai's Unique Beach Party

Imagine strolling along Dubai's beaches and suddenly finding yourself in the midst of an exhilarating drum circle! Full moon enthusiasts gather here, beating their drums to recharge and absorb Mother Earth's vibes. These energetic events can even be planned if you want to spend your vacation in Dubai under the moonlight.

The drum-crazy participants welcome anyone who wants to join their sessions. They believe that drumming helps reduce stress - and although the thundering noise may not sound soothing at first, the act of drumming together turns out to be a meditative experience. So, embrace this drumming party and keep an eye out for the fire dancers who grace the event!

Dubai's Feline Status Symbols

In Dubai, it was considered fashionable for a long time to showcase exotic pets as status symbols and signs of wealth. Even in ancient Egypt and Persia, kings used to keep large cats as symbols of status. Many show-offs have already posted photos of their leopard or cheetah cubs, casually lounging on the backseat of a luxury car or elegantly stretched out on the deck of a yacht.

However, in 2017, the United Arab Emirates introduced a law that prohibits such extravagances. Finally, the authorities realized that wild animals should not be treated as pets, and no compromise should be made when it comes to animal welfare. Anyone who still owns or sells exotic animals now risks a fine of €124,000 or even imprisonment.

Animal Encounters in the Shopping Paradise

In the Dubai Mall, right next to the aquarium, awaits a magical underwater world that would make even Nemo jealous. Jellyfish, piranhas, and even crocodiles race against each other here. The zoo is designed like a rainforest that transports you to another world as soon as you enter, making you forget that you're in a shopping mall.

For adrenaline junkies, there's the opportunity to get up close with sharks in a cage – a real "Jaws" experience! After such an exciting adventure, you can treat yourself to some luxury items in the mall. Additionally, there's a huge cinema and an ice skating rink that would impress even ice princesses.

Deluxe Camel Walk

In the United Arab Emirates, 80% of the land is covered by sand and desert. So, it's no wonder that camel trekking is a popular activity among locals and tourists alike.

But what we've witnessed takes it to another level. A man was walking with his camel, but he wasn't on foot, he was actually sitting in his Mercedes-Benz SUV! Considering the desert heat, it's understandable because a camel ride can make you sweat. Luckily, the SUV, which usually costs around €100,000, is equipped with first-class air conditioning. So, the camel enthusiast remains cool while his desert companion trots along in tow!

Horse Passion Combined with Motorsports

In Dubai, where wealth seems to flow from every fountain, cars often transform into works of art on wheels. From gold-plated speedsters to double-decker SUVs, extravagant vehicles are proudly displayed here.

The gentleman in our photo has opted for a particularly unique joyride. He zooms through the city on his specially crafted horse-themed motorcycle. Not only has he chosen a very individual mode of transportation, but he also wears clothing that underscores his unique style. Admittedly, unusual vehicles are as abundant in Dubai as sand in the sea, but this high-tech horse must have caused quite a stir. Horse enthusiasts and equestrian fans would surely turn green with envy at the sight.

Bling-Bling SUV

Dubai's wealthy residents have enough money to turn their treasures into rolling works of art. Decorating their own car with gold or gemstones is a popular method of expressing wealth. Remember the Mercedes-Benz we mentioned earlier?

A "Jeep Grand Cherokee" would normally not be able to compete with all the Ferraris and Lamborghinis out there. To stand out from the crowd, the owner of this Jeep decided to have it coated with 24-karat gold. So, don't forget to put on your sunglasses when visiting Dubai because these vehicles will certainly reflect a lot of sunlight. This car is an extravagant way to show others "I have the Midas touch and I cruise through the city in golden splendor!"

Curious Turtle Towers

Dubai's fascination with exotic animals is a phenomenon that has surely amazed many. We all know that the city's affluent residents love to flaunt their pet big cats. But now, brace yourself for the ultimate turtle tower!

Usually, turtles stack themselves on top of each other to conserve warmth and capture sunlight more effectively. However, we suspect that this turtle enthusiast constructed this tower of turtles. Despite the lightheartedness, we should remember that these armored reptiles are endangered. Therefore, we hope that they are not kept as pets. After all, endangered animals are most beautiful when admired in their natural habitats.

Tradition Meets Stand-Up Paddling

In Dubai, residents master the art of combining their religious customs with modern leisure activities such as water sports. Living amidst the desert landscape and yet diving into the refreshing water fully dressed – that's what we call the embodiment of Muslim culture!

Stand-up paddling on surfboards is becoming a trendy pastime for tourists and locals seeking respite from the scorching heat. This image is reminiscent of a journey back in time before the wonders of technology created beaches and islands out of thin air. Although the city is famous for its groundbreaking achievements, the people proudly hold onto their traditions, adding an irresistible charm to the emirate.

Dubai's Camel Parking Zone

Dubai, the oasis in the desert, is famous for its domesticated camels. But our camel in a parking lot seems a bit like a fish out of water. Nevertheless, it appears comfortable and patiently waits while its owners are probably out shopping.

In a sparkling place like Dubai, luxury cars such as Ferraris and Bentleys flock the streets. But why not own a camel and park it in a parking lot when it's not needed? This sight is a real attention-grabber for tourists, inviting a smile. It's nice to see, as long as the well-being of the camels is taken into consideration.

Luxury in Your Pocket

In Dubai, the city of money, golden accessories are the epitome of elegance. After all, they demonstrate power and wealth. But how about having a solid gold mobile phone in your pocket? Just imagine the feeling of always having this shiny masterpiece with you!

In April 2019, the brand "Caviar" introduced a Tsar series that pays tribute to the founders of nations and dynasties. Only seven of these "Gold Sheikh" high-tech jewels, starting at a hefty €33,700, were created to represent the seven Emirates of the UAE. The only remaining question is whether this phone will make you shine in your WhatsApp conversations.


Wealth and grandeur go hand in hand, and that certainly applies to the vehicles in Dubai. From cool paint jobs to exciting engines - the limit is one's own creativity. But what we have discovered is like hitting the jackpot - two Jeeps fused together to create an extravagant behemoth.

This vehicle casually takes up one and a half lanes and probably causes parking problems. Nevertheless, the street cruiser can accommodate four passengers in the front and four in the back. Whether owning such a car, let alone driving it, is a good idea, remains questionable. But whoever is behind the wheel of this car will quickly become the talk of the town, and they will definitely not go unnoticed in traffic!

Celebrity Falcons

The falcon, the proud national bird of the United Arab Emirates, symbolizes bravery and strength. Falconry, a popular sport deeply rooted in Middle Eastern culture, has been practiced for hundreds of years. Since falcons are national symbols, they have special privileges, such as the right to travel on commercial flights with their very own passport! Not too shabby.

One wonders which TV series the falcons might be watching during their flight. Perhaps "The Falcon and the Winter Soldier"? Or maybe "Game of Thrones" with its winged dragons? The great respect and admiration with which falcons are regarded in Dubai is further evidence of the remarkable culture and rich heritage of the city.

Sleeping Like Dubai's Stars - Dreamy Hotel Rooms

When you visit Dubai, you have the opportunity to spend a night in some of the most spectacular hotel rooms in the city. It may not be budget-friendly, but Dubai knows how to create luxurious interiors.

The Burj Al Arab, the seventh tallest hotel in the world, is a true gem among the most extravagant accommodations. Although officially classified as a 5-star hotel, insiders like to call it a 7-star resort, as it shines with walls adorned with 24-karat gold leaf and offers a Rolls-Royce chauffeur service. The breathtaking view of Dubai's skyline and the amenities of this hotel will enchant you. Here, you can feel like a king or queen, as long as your treasure chest is not empty.

Dubai's Speedy Law Enforcers

Dubai is an Eldorado for car enthusiasts and their supercars. But it's not only civilians who love powerful speedsters - the police also like to join the speed frenzy!

The law enforcers have the luxury of choice. Some zip through the city in a sleek "Aston Martin One-77," while others maintain law and order in a "Lamborghini Aventador." However, the unmatched star of the police garage is the "Bugatti Veyron," with a top speed of 253 miles per hour, making it the ultimate powerhouse. In February 2020, the police stepped up their game and expanded their fascinating fleet with a bulletproof SUV made by Dubai-based company W Motors. Trying to outrun these law enforcers? Forget about it!

Dreamy Bathrooms - Luxury at Its Finest

Dubai is famous for its lavish hotels, and luxurious bathrooms are an absolute must. In Dubai, ordinary bathrooms look more like mini-palaces, as their dimensions are ten times bigger than what one would typically expect.

Many people gaze curiously into the lives of the high society, longing to discover what it's like to live in this glamorous world. Well, one of the most expensive bathrooms in the world can be found at XXII Carat Club Villas in Dubai. It's all about extravagance here, with exquisite marble design and a $1 million bathtub made of Amazonian rock crystal that will send any wellness enthusiast into ecstasy. Who wouldn't want to take a relaxing bubble bath in here?

Where Horses Reside Like Kings

The art of horse riding is a central part of the culture in the United Arab Emirates. As such, the beautiful four-legged creatures reside in magnificent accommodations that rival 5-star hotels.

Most people associate stables with hay and wooden boxes, not glittering chandeliers and marble floors. But in Dubai, that is not uncommon at all! According to a Reddit user, these luxurious and expensive-looking stables still exude the charm of a farm, especially when it comes to their smell. If we were horses, we would quickly demand such an elegant stable as the one in our photo. Let other horses deal with wooden boxes.

Free Food for the Needy

In 2013, the Ansar Mall in Dubai launched a brilliant initiative for the needy. People without money or employment can get free groceries here. From delicious yogurt to crispy Arabic bread - during Ramadan, there is a feast for everyone.

Of course, there are also a few smart ones who show up in their fancy Mercedes and BMWs to grab the free food. But at its core, it is a very noble cause. It helps people who, for various reasons, are unable to provide for themselves. We applaud this brilliant idea and see it as an impressive display of compassion that should serve as a good example for all of us.

Gold Rush 2.0

Where should the first real gold vending machine make its glittering debut? Of course, in Dubai! Although the machine itself is not made of the precious metal, it dispenses gold bars as if they were chocolate bars. In May 2010, this marvel was installed in a hotel in Abu Dhabi and immediately attracted a lot of "gold diggers."

This masterpiece "Made in Germany" even displays the current exchange rates - live and in color, as if it were a financial news channel! In the opulent "Emirates Palace Hotel" in Abu Dhabi, the machine dispenses gold in one, five, and 10-gram increments. A true wonder that we would also love to have in our own homes.

Love Matters in the UAE

Arranged marriages may sound like unromantic business deals to Western minds, but in the United Arab Emirates, they are the key to reliable family alliances and eternal love. One can like or dislike this tradition, but we don't want to play the role of a love judge.

Fathers place newspaper ads to "merge" their children with wealthy families. Sure, such marriages can succeed or fail, but in the UAE, arranged marriages have an above-average success rate. Family members are often involved and see it as an opportunity to thoroughly evaluate the prospective spouse's values, beliefs, and goals. Love at first sight? Perhaps not always, but at least at the first handshake.

Dubai's Insane Public Transportation on Steroids

In Dubai's public transportation, you ride with style and luxury. Forget about the classic bus because in Dubai, you cruise through the city in a limousine. After all, the city is famous for its extravagant means of transportation, from supercars to motorcycles that redefine horsepower!

The world's first Superbus was unveiled in the Netherlands in 2011. It was built by an astronaut and delivered to a sheikh from the United Arab Emirates. This pimped-out vehicle can accommodate 23 passengers and catapults you to your destination at a speedy 250 km/h. Taking a seat in such a bus is like traveling in your own private jet, but on wheels instead of in the sky!

Luxury Traffic Jams: When Metal Caravans Come at a Price

Transportation congestion is a notorious nightmare in global metropolises, and Dubai's city streets are no exception. However, Dubai's traffic jams have a unique twist – resembling a parade of luxury automobiles. A dazzling array of horsepower and opulence cascades down the roads, sending the hearts of car enthusiasts racing.

The luxury cars in this region seem to serve more as rolling status symbols than mere means of transportation. It's as if an exclusive auto exhibition is taking place, when in reality, it's just another day of commuting. In Dubai, every traffic jam becomes a glamorous car catwalk! It's enough to make you wish to experience being stuck in traffic to witness this extraordinary event.

No Fish Allowed in Dubai's Subway

While riding Dubai's subway, you'll come across an intriguing sign featuring a fish enclosed in a red crossed-out circle. Where can you find such a sign? Right next to Dubai's fish market, at the Palm Deira station.

Passengers shake their heads and smirk at this sign. Is it meant to be taken seriously? Indeed, it bans fish from being brought onto the subway. According to Dubai Metro regulations, except for guide dogs, no animals are allowed on public transportation. Apparently, fish market visitors took their "aromatic" purchases a step too far in the past, leading to this amusing prohibition sign.

Dubai Police and Their Watercraft Marvels

Dubai's police force doesn't just rely on cars; they have their own fleet of boats. However, this is no ordinary police boat. It is a 364,000 Euro water jewel generously sponsored by Dubai's Crown Prince, Sheikh Hamdan.

Designed to emulate a Lamborghini dominating the waves, this boat boasts 700 horsepower – making it one of the fastest police boats in the world! Utilizing lightweight carbon fiber materials typically seen in racing cars, it becomes a true water rocket. This allows law enforcement to swiftly navigate the sea and respond rapidly to incidents. This boat steals the spotlight within Dubai's police fleet, making their work more efficient and impressive.

Game, Set, and Dizzying Heights

Tennis is your thing? Imagine playing tennis amid vertigo-inducing heights. Dubai has built a tennis court 300 meters above sea level — a feat that showcases the city's extravagant architecture.

Located atop the Burj Al Arab Hotel, this spectacular tennis court was originally a helicopter landing pad. In 2005, tennis aces Roger Federer and Andre Agassi faced each other in a thrilling exhibition match. They must have relished the view from up there, assuming they had time amid the game. Either way, the stars surely experienced a memorable exchange. Perhaps even with angels as ball boys? It makes one anticipate picking up a tennis racket and conquering the skies.

Dubai's Miracle Garden: A Blooming Wonderland

Dubai's Miracle Garden, home to a vast sea of flowers, is one of the world's largest gardens of its kind. Opened on Valentine's Day 2013, it now spans an incredible 75,000 square meters. With over fifty million blooms, this garden is a visual feast for both locals and tourists alike.

This masterpiece can be admired during the cooler months from October to April. Cultivating plants in Dubai's intense climate and sparse rainfall can be challenging. However, the design of the Miracle Garden is an absolute must-visit for anyone exploring this glittering metropolis. It's a true garden of Eden amidst the desert, enchanting visitors with its beauty.

"High on Heights: Burj Khalifa, Dubai's Architectural Marvel!"

Dubai is renowned for its breathtaking architecture and futuristic technology. Here, the motto is the higher, the better! The Burj Khalifa shines as the star in the skyscraper sky—an iconic structure that stormed into the spotlight in January 2010, breaking numerous records.

This $2 billion wonder was created to catapult Dubai into the global spotlight and secure a permanent place on the world map. The Y-shaped tower isn't just eye-catching; it also serves a purpose, allowing the structure to withstand strong winds swirling around its towering height of 828 meters. Those who make it to heavenly heights are rewarded with a unique view.

Skiing in the Desert

"Skiing" and "desert" aren't two words you expect in the same sentence. But in Dubai, nothing is impossible – ski and snowboard enthusiasts zoom down slopes right in the middle of the desert! We have the creative minds at the Majid Al Futtaim Group to thank for this icy masterpiece, responsible for the famous Mall of the Emirates as well.

Welcome to "Ski Dubai" - a frosty dream covering 22,500 square meters, complete with five slopes for snowy enjoyment. It's astounding how much this construction resembles an authentic ski lodge, isn't it? The cherry on top? This icy paradise is open year-round, allowing you to hit the slopes even in the midst of a heatwave!

Marvel at Fish in the Shopping Mall

Dubai's spectacular shopping malls are legendary – there are a whopping thirty-five of them! The Dubai Mall takes the crown, being one of the world's largest shopping wonders. It's so immense that you can even find dinosaur skeletons and gold ATMs here.

But one highlight outshines all others – a massive aquarium brimming with vibrant fish. This underwater zoo houses a variety of marine creatures, from awe-inspiring sharks to mysterious octopuses. If you're seeking thrills, you can even swim with these fascinating marine residents. Or experience a pre-booked virtual encounter, combining different realities – all while shopping!

Dazzling Desert Races with Robo-Jockeys

A top-class sporting event magnetically attracts tourists to the United Arab Emirates - camel racing! The desert conditions make this race a demanding one, requiring a lot of time, effort, and preparation, just like caring for noble Thoroughbred horses.

Dubai's Al Marmoom racecourse, famous for camel racing, becomes the stage for a bizarre science-fiction scene. Here, small robot jockeys sit atop the camels, equipped with walkie-talkies and GPS devices, while trainers stay in contact with these futuristic riders. The races take place during the cooler months of October to April, ideal for adventurous travelers seeking unique experiences off-season!

The Golden Motorcycle: A Powerful Luxury Gem

In 2013, Danish motorcycle manufacturer Lauge Jensen left the luxury world breathless with astonishment when they unveiled their first golden motorcycle in Dubai. During the opening week of the Gulf of Motorcycles, this sparkling two-wheeled vehicle took center stage. And where else but in the city of glamour and opulence could this luxury dream on wheels find the perfect showcase?

It's always amusing to observe what the rich and famous purchase with their wealth. This shining powerhouse exchanged owners for an astounding €775,000. It is considered the most expensive motorcycle ever built, adorned with a crocodile leather seat and 250 sparkling diamonds.

"Dubai: Where the Skyline Soars into the Heavens"

Dubai is famous for its unique skyline that makes you feel like you're living in a futuristic sci-fi world. The buildings here seem to be in a competition to see who can reach the highest into the sky.

One of Dubai's most renowned skyscrapers is the Burj Khalifa, which towers at a staggering 828 meters, seemingly touching the sky. The government decided to build this tower, hoping to diversify the economy from its reliance on oil and focus more on tourism – and the strategy paid off! Today, the Burj Khalifa is a magnetic attraction for tourists who want to experience the breathtaking view from the observation deck on the 124th floor.

Coffee like in a Palace

Starbucks is known as the world's largest coffeehouse company, with around 34,000 stores in over 80 countries (as of November 2021). But the Starbucks in the Battuta Mall in Dubai stands out from all the others and leaves even die-hard coffee fans in awe.

The design of this store feels like something out of Arabian Nights. Instead of the usual cafe look, you enter a lavish palace adorned with intricately decorated dome ceilings and detailed ornaments. The extravagant aesthetic provides a fairytale-like atmosphere while you sip your coffee. If you appreciate architecture and design, you shouldn't miss a visit to this store.

First Class to the Hospital

Ambulances come in all shapes and colors, but you've probably never seen a limousine ambulance before! This luxury vehicle can only be found in Dubai, where even in times of illness, style and comfort are not compromised.

However, this exclusive service is not for the average Joe. Operating under the name "Awnak," it offers patients more than just a safe ride. Of course, we hope you never have to avail of this service, but if you do, at least you can rest assured that you and your loved ones will be well taken care of in this luxurious limousine. After all, there are worse ways to go to the hospital.

Sweet Temptation with a Touch of Bling

In Dubai, golden objects are as common as sand in the desert. Golden motorcycles and phones are no longer a novelty. It was only a matter of time before food also received the golden treatment. After all, Dubai loves the extraordinary.

Allow us to introduce the €900 Golden Phoenix Cupcake – a masterpiece of sweet art, made from Italian cocoa and adorned with a 23-carat gold leaf. Since 2004, this luxury cupcake has been available at the Dubai Mall and can be ordered 48 hours in advance. Because what else should Dubai's wealthy residents eat? After all, they need to spend their money on something – and why not on a golden culinary delight?

Air-conditioned Oasis Bus Stops

Don't worry if you don't belong to the wealthy elite in Dubai and can't afford a Lamborghini or a similar luxury car. The city has a cool solution for those who want to escape the scorching desert heat – air-conditioned bus stops! Since 2007, these frosty waiting oases have been making waves around the world.

The bus stops are a cool stroke of genius, especially for tourists who aren't accustomed to the heat. They provide ample space for sweaty commuters and even feature snack and ATM machines in some cases. Once again, Dubai proves to be a forward-thinking city that cares about the comfort and well-being of its residents and guests.

"Uber Takes Off in Dubai"

The ride-sharing company Uber offers helicopter flights in Dubai. While Uber uses simple transportation methods in other parts of the world, Dubai takes it to the next level and takes to the skies. Who wouldn't want to fly in a helicopter? It's an experience you shouldn't miss!

Dubai, known for its luxury cars, always has a few surprises up its sleeve. YouTube comedian Coby Persin surprised taxi customers with a ride in a Bugatti Veyron, leaving many of them speechless. Dubai, an incubator for innovation and extravagance, is a city where new ideas flourish. We are eager to see what new heights await us there.

Traffic Jam? Fly Above it in Dubai

In Dubai, it's common to see helicopters hovering above the cityscape. Despite Dubai's reputation as a crowded city, its affluent residents know how to make the most of their time. That's why they prefer to spend it in the sky rather than on the road – who needs traffic jams?

Those who reside in the dizzying heights of skyscrapers have probably taken advantage of helicopter services. Meanwhile, people in cities like New York and Paris can only dream of escaping traffic jams by helicopter. Once again, it's another example of Dubai's affluent residents reaching for new dimensions of luxury to leave the mundane behind.

Luxury Cars Galore Diamond-Encrusted Mercedes

Dubai is known for its luxury cars, and the Mercedes-Benz brand is admired for its elegant design and high price. Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, one of the richest people in the world, adorned his Mercedes with over 300,000 diamonds worth around 4.4 million euros. This showstopper demonstrates that in Dubai, there are no limits when it comes to customizing cars and showcasing wealth.

These luxury cars are particularly impressive and fascinating for tourists from other countries. It goes without saying that you can see the latest models of world-famous brands in Dubai's luxury malls – and maybe even catch a glimpse of a diamond-encrusted Mercedes.

A Shoe Dream, Dubai Style

The French designer brand Christian Louboutin is famous for its red soles. These luxurious shoes grace the feet of many celebrities, such as singer Rihanna and actress Angelina Jolie.

But in the glamorous world of Dubai, red soles are old news. Here, golden cassette heels are the must-have for all ladies who revel in the splendor of wealth. These extravagant shoe dreams exude glamour and are a real showstopper. One can imagine the sound of these elegant stilettos on marble floors. In Dubai, opulence is the norm, and these shoes are just another example of Dubai's unique style. Why walk in shoes with red soles when you can shine even more on golden cassette heels?

Amphibious Water Adventures in Dubai

We don't know about you, but this photo blew us away! It looks like a scene from an action movie, but no, it's a real snapshot from Dubai. Sure, we know about the flashy superyachts and boats of the rich and famous, but what on earth is this watercraft?

These amphibious speedsters transform into jetskis once they conquer the water. Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum owns six of these cool vessels, which cost around 729,000 euros. Seriously, they look amazing, and we would love to take a joyride in one ourselves. Imagine the adrenaline rush of riding these in the water!







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