Revealed: The Secrets of Working at Amazon - From Hidden Orange Vests to Digital Managers!
Revealed: The Secrets of Working at Amazon - From Hidden Orange Vests to Digital Managers!
Uncover the fascinating insider scoop on what it's really like to work at Amazon! From the mystery behind new employees donning bright orange vests to the high-tech world of digital "zebras" monitoring workload, this content reveals the hidden gems and challenges within Amazon's bustling warehouses. Dive into the world of problem-solving heroes, forgotten products awaiting discovery, and the meticulous organization behind the chaos.

Employees at Amazon reveal the truth about working in the warehouse

They can read your gift notes.

If you've ever considered adding a small gift note in your next Amazon order, you should keep something in mind. According to an employee named Alex, who shared with Mental Floss, the company has a specific printer just for these messages. So, every time an item has one of these notes, they must print it and carefully place it inside the box before it is shipped. A small detail that certainly adds a personal touch to your purchases.

The truth is that I never stop to read the notes from customers on the orders. I understand that some of my colleagues are curious and do so, but for me, it is essential to respect the privacy of those who buy. Each customer has their reason for including a note, and it is not my place to know those personal details.

They have robot coworkers.

Have you heard about the robots in Amazon's warehouses? It's not science fiction, it's a reality. The company has incorporated robots called Kivas, although they are now known as Amazon Robotics. According to what was mentioned in Mental Floss, these robots are a technological marvel and have been designed to handle the heaviest tasks, being able to transport countless products at once. The future is definitely here!

Our work in the warehouse is more complicated than it seems at first glance. Beyond just moving boxes, we have to verify every item that the machines move and make sure they follow the right path. It is a task that combines precision, speed, and a bit of intuition to ensure that each product reaches the hands of those who ordered it.

There are no chairs to sit on.

If you are someone who enjoys a good chair at work, perhaps Amazon's warehouses are not your ideal place. Kyle, an employee, shared a reality of his daily routine with Mental Floss, saying that workstations do not have chairs to rest. Imagine a full day of work without a minute to sit down; it is definitely an environment that demands resilience and energy.

The lack of chairs is a reality in our workspaces. While one can improvise using boxes or taking advantage of a step, the truth is that sometimes you long for a place to rest properly. I, for example, prefer to retreat to my car during breaks, where I at least find a moment to catch my breath and some peace and quiet.

The cafeteria is a battleground.

Not all dining areas are peaceful, and Amazon's seems to be proof of that. Charlee Mided, in a conversation with Mental Floss, described the experience of eating there as being in the middle of a battleground. The challenge is not only to heat your food but also to get out of there unscathed. A real daily challenge at lunchtime!

Lunchtime can turn into a real battlefield. It's almost like a movie scene, everyone running around, looking for a spot at the microwave or trying to find a quiet corner to eat. It is essential to be cunning and plan ahead, or you will find yourself in the war to heat your food.

There is a "points system."

Punctuality is essential in almost every job, and at Amazon, they take it very seriously. While in some places, you might get away with a small delay, Amazon has implemented a "points system" that monitors and penalizes lateness or absences. So, if you are always running late, Amazon will put you to the test.

The way Amazon evaluates performance is almost like a strategy game. A former employee shared on Reddit that, at the end of each month, numerical reviews are conducted. If you exceed a certain threshold, you may not be assigned more shifts. It is a constant balance between being efficient and not going overboard.

Bathroom breaks are monitored.

A break, a moment of rest, that's what a bathroom break means at Amazon. But beware, because even though it is a necessary pause, it seems that you cannot abuse this time. A balance between rest and responsibility is essential in this large company.

Working at Amazon is working under a microscope. The BuddyWorld platform has shown us that Amazon has monitoring systems to ensure that employees are not "abusing certain privileges." It's like being in a reality show, where every move can be watched.

Countdown timers are used.

Working under pressure can be a challenge, but at Amazon, this challenge has a name, takt time. As Kyle mentioned to Mental Floss, there are countdown timers that monitor your productivity. A constant reminder that time is precious.

Speed is essential at Amazon. There is an expectation to pick an item in just 6.5 seconds once it appears on the screen. Although it sounds like a game challenge, it is the daily reality, and it becomes even more interesting when you discover that the term describing it comes from the German word "Taktzeit."

There are group exercises.

If you thought exercising was only a gym thing, think again. Charlee shared her experience at Amazon, where before and after lunch, all employees do calisthenics. Nothing like stretching those muscles before a long day of work.

The exercise routines we do seem like they are taken from an elementary school physical education class. Jumps, stretches, and other movements prepare us for the day, but I can't help but feel like a kid every time we do them. It's a nostalgic trip back to the past amidst the work routine.

Employees are not big fans of break times.

Who doesn't enjoy a good break at work? However, at Amazon, those breaks can be more of a challenge than a relaxation time. With the distances and limited time, every second counts!

Breaks at Amazon are a real time challenge. Kyle described his experience in Mental Floss, and it feels like you are on a mission. You have to be quick, almost like a sprinter, to make the most of those precious 30 minutes.

The warehouse has a mascot.

Every company has its way of motivating employees, and Amazon is no exception with its mascot Peccy. This friendly orange figure, with the Amazon logo as a smile, has become an icon among workers. And not only that, but there are also rewards and Peccy badges given out for performance. Nothing like a little fun in the midst of routine!

I never thought a simple Amazon character would become a sort of celebrity among us. But yes, that little symbol has its own following in the warehouse. Sometimes, those unexpected little things are what brighten up the daily routine.

You don't get Amazon Prime for free

Amazon, renowned for its global reach, doesn't forget its employees when it comes to offering benefits. Kyle, one of its workers, shared with Mental Floss a little detail that makes working there worthwhile - every 12 months, employees have the opportunity to receive discounts of up to $100 on their orders. A detail that undoubtedly sweetens the experience of being part of the e-commerce giant.

But here's a surprise - Amazon Prime is not free for its employees. Despite working in the company, they must pay the subscription like any other customer. It's curious to think that, being so close to the entire process, they still have to pay for those Prime perks. Some privileges don't seem to come with the job!

"Voluntary Time Off"

Job stability is a constant pursuit for many, but in companies like Amazon, it is not always guaranteed. In fact, as mentioned, working hours can vary depending on the contract you have. So, if you are considering working at Amazon, it is important to be aware of this detail and perhaps have a financial Plan B.

There is something interesting shared by a former worker on Reddit - Amazon has what they call "Voluntary Time Off" or VTO for short. If a day at the warehouse is not too busy or there is less demand, you may be offered a day off. It's like a little unexpected gift in the midst of the work routine. A break that comes out of nowhere!

Extra work could earn you a "prize"

Employee incentives are always a good hook to keep employees motivated, and Amazon knows it well. According to a BuddyWorld video on YouTube, those who put in extra effort and work extra hours have the opportunity to win interesting "prizes". From t-shirts and gift cards to technological products like Amazon Echos, video game consoles, and televisions. Another incentive to go the extra mile!

Even if you submit your options or proposals, you won't always be selected. It's a bit like playing the lottery at work. You can try, but you are never sure if you will be the chosen one. However, the thrill of uncertainty makes it exciting!

No dress code

Freedom of expression also reflects in how you dress, and at Amazon, they are clear that comfort is essential. As mentioned on BuddyWorld, there is no strict dress code. Whether you prefer to come in your finest suit or just in your most comfortable pajamas, Amazon welcomes you with open arms!

In Amazon, a golden rule when it comes to dress code in the warehouse is no open-toed shoes. It's not a matter of fashion, but safety. Imagine moving quickly and accidentally having something heavy end up on your foot. It's definitely not a situation you want to experience!

Crazy orders

Amazon, with its infinite variety of products, constantly surprises its workers with unusual orders. Charlee, an employee, shared a peculiar anecdote with Mental Floss - on more than one occasion, she encountered life-size figures of Justin Bieber. And yes, it seems there are more Bieber fans than we imagine.

A curious detail that might surprise you - adult toys are quite popular in online purchases. Yes, you read that right! And on Amazon, it is no exception. The privacy of shopping from home makes many people opt for this method. But out of respect for discretion, we won't delve further into the topic. Everyone has their preferences!

Room for fun

Work can be stressful, and sometimes we need a bit of distraction. Charlee recalled a fun occasion for Mental Floss when an air bubble machine went haywire. Air bubbles are a temptation few can resist, and apparently, at Amazon, they had a blast popping them.

Who could resist the charm of air bubbles? That feeling when you pop them is so satisfying. Apparently, at Amazon, many employees share this sentiment. Working surrounded by them is a small distraction that surely brightens up more than one exhausting day.

Whiteboard communication

Communication is vital in any company, and at Amazon, they have devised a very direct way to do it. According to a Reddit user comment, there are huge whiteboards in the warehouses where any employee can express their complaints or comments. An open and direct way to stay informed and address concerns.

One of the striking things about the Amazon dynamic is the transparency in responses to employee posts. These are made public and sit next to the original comment, creating an atmosphere of open communication. Of course, it can also be a bit intimidating to know that everyone can read what you have written. So, it's best to think twice before writing!

Avoid those robots at all costs

Technology is an essential tool in Amazon's warehouses, but it comes with its own rules. Donald, an employee, warned new workers through Mental Floss about the importance of not interacting with the robots unless it is part of their duties. Human-robot interaction is a serious matter at Amazon.

Discipline and regulations at Amazon are strict, and they truly are! If you decide to ignore a rule or protocol, the consequences are immediate. There is no room for error. It is a constant reminder of the importance of responsibility and commitment in the workplace.

Security checkpoints at lunchtime

Efficiency is one of Amazon's pillars, and that also applies to break times. Charlee shared on Mental Floss how quickly they must manage their lunchtime, especially if they are far from their station. Every minute counts when it comes to eating and returning to work.

Security is a priority at Amazon, but it can sometimes feel a bit overwhelming. Imagine waiting every day to be scanned, like a constant security check. It's understandable given the magnitude of products and the need to prevent losses, but it's a daily reminder of the inherent distrust in the process.

There's a lot of walking

Physical work is part of the daily routine in Amazon's warehouses. A veteran employee revealed on Mental Floss that, on average, they walk an impressive 13 miles during their ten-hour shift. It's not only a challenge for the body, but also a reminder of the intensity and demand of working in a place like Amazon.

Working upright, walking non-stop, is a considerable physical challenge. By the third or fourth day of a ten-hour shift, you'll feel your legs like jelly. It's a testament to the physical exhaustion involved in working in Amazon's warehouse. Certainly, it's not a task for everyone.

Headphones are prohibited

Working for hours on end without distraction can become repetitive and, at times, monotonous. Many would think that putting on headphones and listening to some music is the perfect solution. However, if you work at Amazon, you will have to be more creative and find other forms of entertainment because music is not an option. Maybe you can challenge yourself or invent stories in your mind.

Working in a silent environment can be a challenge. As mentioned by an employee on BuzzFeed, headphones are not allowed in Amazon's warehouse. What a challenge! Sometimes, a little music or a podcast can make the hours fly by. However, at Amazon, concentration and attention to detail are paramount, so you'll have to find other ways to liven up your day.

New employees wear orange

Starting a new job always brings a whirlwind of emotions - nervousness, anticipation, excitement, and a bit of fear. To try to ease those nerves and make new hires visible, Amazon provides them with an orange vest. It's a way to identify newcomers and perhaps offer them some extra help in their first days. After all, we've all been new at some point.

Visibility is essential in a bustling place like an Amazon warehouse. If an employee needs help or finds themselves in a tough spot, the bright vest is their distress signal. It's like a beacon guiding colleagues through the fog of daily work. A simple yet effective tool!

Packing your order

We've all received that giant Amazon package for a small item and wondered, "Why such a big package?" Well, before you blame the person who packed your order, there's something you should know. Alex, an Amazon worker, revealed to Mental Floss that the decision on package size comes from computers, not humans. So next time, think twice before complaining!

There are decisions we may not like, but we can't always be in disagreement. At Amazon, although you can dispute certain decisions, don't expect to do it often. The company values harmony and smooth workflow. So, it's advisable to think twice before objecting - it may not always be worth it!

Items can be forgotten

Amazon's legendary speed and efficiency notwithstanding, there can sometimes be delays. While orders usually arrive on time, there are instances where a product might take a little longer. It's a reminder that, despite all the technology and logistics, imperfections can arise. A little patience wouldn't hurt.

The dynamics within the warehouse can be a mystery to many. But, according to a former worker who shared on Reddit, sometimes products are forgotten or lost along the way. They sit there, waiting to be found. It's a constant challenge, like a treasure hunt, to ensure everything reaches its destination.

You don't get hours immediately

YouTube videos always surprise us with curious and interesting facts. BuddyWorld, a popular channel, shared a detail many were unaware of - Amazon starts new employees with "temporary" contracts. It's a beginning, and who knows, with effort and dedication, that temporary contract could turn into something more stable. The beginning is just the start of the adventure!

In the work world, stability is something many strive for. At Amazon, you might start with a "temporary" schedule, and over time and effort, aim for that more stable and desired position. It's a journey, with its ups and downs, but with a clear goal in mind - stability.

Employees are not forced to take extra shifts

No one enjoys working more than necessary, especially if they feel compelled. However, at Amazon, there seems to be a different approach. While extra shifts are offered, the company strives to ensure they don't feel like an imposition, and they often come with incentives. Perhaps working a few extra hours doesn't sound so bad after all.

Workplace flexibility is highly valued. BuddyWorld mentions that at Amazon, the worker's decision regarding job offers is respected. If something doesn't suit you or you feel it's not for you, you won't be pressured. This provides a sense of serenity and demonstrates respect for employee well-being.

There is a clinic

Medical emergencies can arise at any time, and having somewhere to turn to is essential. At Amazon, according to what Charlee shared with Mental Floss, they have something akin to a school nurse's office. While not a full hospital, it's a place where you can receive first aid and a bit of comfort.

When you feel unwell at work, it's crucial to have someone attend to you, even if it's basic care. In Amazon, it's a bit like going back to school. A pain here, a discomfort there, but the solutions are simple - ice and aspirin. Something is better than nothing, right?

Emphasis on safety

Physical integrity is paramount, and Amazon knows it. In its warehouses, the safety and health of employees are a priority. With machinery, products, and so much movement, it's crucial to ensure that everyone is safe while performing their tasks.

Health and safety at work are paramount. Amazon takes this aspect very seriously. According to a Reddit comment, the Human Resources staff are always vigilant, offering advice and preventive measures to avoid accidents. It's always better to be one step ahead and prevent.

There's always room for improvement

Every place has its pros and cons, and employees always have ideas to improve. At Amazon, according to a report from BuddyWorld, many employees feel that the Human Resources department could be more efficient. Just like in any company, there are always aspects that can be refined to enhance the work experience.

We all know how important good communication is in any company. However, it seems that in Amazon, there are occasions where this aspect could be improved. Ignored requests or delayed responses can be very frustrating. Smooth communication is essential to maintain a good work environment.

Sweeping duty

Tasks in an Amazon warehouse are varied, and sometimes, some employees might want to avoid the more heavy-duty ones. Charlee mentioned to Mental Floss about those who fake injuries are reassigned to "sweeping duty." But, is the advantage of not lifting heavy boxes worth it if you have to sweep throughout your shift? Think it over before pretending!

Work in a warehouse can become monotonous, especially if you're assigned repetitive tasks like sweeping. Charlee, speaking to Mental Floss, mentioned how tedious sweeping for hours can be. While it might seem simple at first, over time, it becomes a task that challenges your patience and mental endurance. A daily challenge indeed!

Locker situation

In Amazon's vast warehouses, organization is crucial for everything to run smoothly. Yes, lockers are available for employee convenience. But instead of being assigned, it's more like a "find your treasure" kind of situation. If you find an empty locker during your day, voilà, it's yours. It's like having a little corner just for you in the vast Amazon universe.

BuddyWorld revealed a fairly straightforward process employees must follow - simply record the numbers on the door and then pass that information to their supervisors. It's akin to being on a treasure hunt, but instead of treasures, you're identifying specific codes. While the procedure may seem simple, it's essential for the warehouse's smooth operation.

"Problem-solving" role

The term "problem-solver" may evoke images of mysterious, dark characters from action movies. But not in Amazon! There, these problem-solvers are more like the silent heroes of the warehouse. Their mission is clear - identify challenges, solve them, and guide their colleagues to avoid future mistakes. They are the perfect link between the problem and the solution.

Some job roles are precisely what they sound like - direct and without unnecessary complications. It's like when you see a product that does exactly what it says and delivers on that promise. No surprises, no tricks - everything is as advertised. That's this particular role.

Some prefer picking over packing

Every person is a world, and at Amazon, each worker has their particular work universe. Not everyone performs the same tasks; there's a wide variety of roles, from item selection to loading them for shipment. Each position is essential, and together, they form the perfect machinery that keeps Amazon running non-stop.

While some jobs offer constant companionship, others can be more solitary. A Reddit user described it perfectly - while one position gives you that sense of community, the other can make you feel quite alone. It all depends on your personality and what you seek in a work environment. For some, solitude is peace; for others, it can be desolate.

Shelves are disorganized

If you've ever wondered how Amazon stores all those products you see online, the answer is simple - maximum efficiency. According to a Reddit user, Amazon's warehouses are like giant mazes, with thousands and thousands of compartments. Each of these spaces is like a little box of surprises, waiting to be discovered and sent to its final recipient.

The compartments in Amazon's warehouse are like little boxes of surprises. Within one, you can find anything from a book to an old Barbie VHS tape. And what's interesting is that you're only picking one of these varied items. Depending on how you like organization, it can be a paradise or your worst nightmare.

Shift changes are simple

Changing shifts at some jobs can be as complicated as solving a puzzle. But at Amazon, things are a bit different. The company has made an effort to make this process as simple as possible, allowing employees to adapt to their personal needs with minimal obstacles.

The digital age has made many aspects of our daily life easier, and work is no exception. According to BuddyWorld, if an employee needs to change shifts, they can do so online. And if the change doesn't disrupt workflow, they will receive confirmation. It's all about leveraging technology to make things smoother.


Working at Amazon is a constant challenge, especially when you have quotas to meet. A former picker shared their experience on Reddit, describing their job almost like a mission in a video game - capturing the items indicated by their scanner in record time. It's a daily challenge but also an opportunity to surpass oneself.

"I've selected over 120 items per hour," said a worker, which sounds impressive. This feat is like a marathon where the clock is your main opponent. Imagine the speed and precision that requires - a constant challenge!

You can't bring your phone to the work area

In this digital age, being disconnected from our phones can seem like a real odyssey. And at Amazon, that disconnection is a reality during work hours. So, even if you feel the urge to check your social media or send a message, you'll have to wait until the break. An excellent opportunity to practice disconnection!

Rules in Amazon's warehouse are designed for a reason. Charlee mentioned to Mental Floss that personal electronic devices are an absolute no. If you're caught with one, you'll face consequences. So, even if you want to check your latest message or update your social media, it's best to resist the temptation.

Digital managers

Mentioning zebras in the context of a warehouse might sound odd, but at Amazon, it makes total sense. No, there aren't animals trotting between the shelves. Instead, there are digital devices, dubbed "zebras," that monitor workload. These technological zebras are essential to keep everything in order.

Technology allows for tracking employees' performance in real-time. If there's a decrease in productivity, the information is automatically sent to the corresponding manager. It's an efficient way to maintain order, even if it may seem a bit intimidating.

Ordering cat litter

Among all the products Amazon handles, some are not exactly favorites among workers. Kyle mentioned cat litter as one of those items many prefer to avoid. Whether due to its weight or how complicated it can be to handle, if you decide to order it, remember to be grateful to the worker who selected it for you!

Some items, despite being common, can be a challenge to manipulate in the warehouse due to their weight or size. So, before buying something heavy online, perhaps consider picking it up yourself. It would be a small gesture that workers would surely appreciate.

Medical product vending machines

Amazon's warehouses are places of frenetic activity and physical effort, so it's not uncommon for some pain or discomfort to arise. But, good news! Alex shared with Mental Floss a practical solution Amazon has implemented - vending machines with basic medications. Another example of the company's effort to take care of its employees!

Within the warehouse, the health of employees is a priority. That's why they have machines offering basic medications such as Advil or Tylenol to alleviate minor aches. Considering the physical demands of the job, it's not surprising that they sometimes need a little relief. It's like having a first aid kit always on hand. Always prepared for any eventuality!





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