The Unexpected Twist of an Anonymous Sperm Donor: A Story of Love and Parenthood
The Unexpected Twist of an Anonymous Sperm Donor: A Story of Love and Parenthood
Get ready for a rollercoaster of emotions in this heartwarming tale of a couple's journey to parenthood with an anonymous sperm donor. From doubts and worries to a surprising revelation, this story will tug at your heartstrings and leave you believing in the power of love and family. You won't want to miss the twist that changes everything in this viral story that's sure to inspire and uplift!

Infertile Man Becomes Obsessed with Identifying Sperm Donor of His Baby

Starting a family is often one of the first things a couple looks forward to after getting married. Having children and raising them is one of life's greatest joys. Being a father or mother is not easy, but it is certainly rewarding.

For this couple, starting a family had always been a dream. But when this father held his baby in his arms for the first time, he felt that something was wrong. He had no idea about the secret that was about to be revealed.

Meet the Lovebirds

Eliza and Ben were the kind of couple that everyone knew would stay together forever. They had been together for many years as boyfriend and girlfriend, and there was no doubt that they would take the next step.

Of course, the couple got married after many years of dating. They were ready to start a new chapter together and were eager to have their own family. It was a dream come true.

They Wanted to Start Having Children

The young couple had the goal of having a large family. A few months after getting married, they immediately started trying to have their first child. But as the months passed, nothing happened. When they reached two years, Eliza and Ben started to worry. Was there a problem?

Determined to fulfill their dream of having a child, they decided to go to the doctor. They wanted to know if there was a problem and if there was anything they could do about it. After some tests on Ben and Eliza, the doctor came back to give the results.

Exploring Other Options

The news wasn't good. The tests showed that Ben was infertile. If they wanted to have children, they would need to find another way. Ben and Eliza were shocked. They had never considered this possibility and were very sad.

The doctor noticed how much they wanted to have a child. He gave them some options and advised them to think carefully to choose the best situation for them.

She Wanted to Carry Her Own Baby

There were several options, and all of them were expensive. But it was a price they were willing to pay to fulfill their dream. Ben considered adoption the best option, as a friend had recently adopted two boys and it seemed to have been a good choice.

But Eliza thought differently. She could still have a child, so she wanted to get pregnant. She wanted to try to have a biological child of her own. Since she wanted to carry the baby, the solution would be to find a sperm donor.

An Impossible Dream

The process of deciding the next step was difficult for Ben. He had always dreamed of having a biological child, and giving up that dream was not easy. Eliza would have the chance to carry her own child, and it would be selfish of him to deny her that joy.

In a few days, Ben decided to prioritize his desire to be a father rather than a biological father. After all, that was impossible. Now that Ben was determined, they needed to choose the right sperm donor.

Choosing a Sperm Donor

In the end, choosing a sperm donor was more difficult than they expected. They could choose a specific person or opt for a sperm bank. Ben and Eliza chose the second option, as they didn't have anyone in mind.

The doctor gave them a form where they had to mark the desired characteristics for the donor. Naturally, they chose attributes closest to Ben's. They wanted the child to resemble him as much as possible.

They Had to Wait

Ben and Eliza were supposed to submit the application together, but Eliza did it while Ben was at work. He found this strange at first, but didn't dwell on it too much. He was just excited about the idea that he would soon be a father.

They had to wait a few weeks to hear back about the application. This surprised Ben, as he remembered the doctor saying it would only take a few days. Eliza, who was the contact with the sperm bank, asked Ben to be patient.

Anonymous Sperm Donor

When they finally chose a donor based on their preferences, they scheduled an appointment at the sperm bank. Ben was eager to see what the donor looked like, but the sperm bank didn't allow it. They only provided a list of the donor's characteristics.

Many sperm donors prefer to keep their identity a secret. And the donor chosen for Eliza and Ben probably felt the same. Ben was unsure, but Eliza reassured him, saying that the donor had the characteristics they wanted.

Putting Aside the Doubts

Ben was surprised by Eliza's calmness about the whole process. Considering it was about their future child, how could she not want to know all the details about the donor?

Perhaps it was better for Eliza to be calm and confident. Ben didn't want to worry her with his doubts, so he chose not to comment. The important thing was that they were closer to fulfilling their dream of having a child.

A Successful Pregnancy

After a few weeks, they decided to take a pregnancy test. They had been hoping for the best since the consultation at the sperm bank. If it hadn't worked, they would have to start all over again, which would affect their savings.

Fortunately, the pregnancy test confirmed that Eliza was pregnant. Ben immediately scheduled a doctor's appointment, which confirmed it. They would finally be parents.

Concerns Resurface

But it didn't take long for doubts and worries to start haunting Ben again. He feared not being able to connect with the child due to lack of biological ties. What if things changed as the child grew up?

All the negative thoughts began to affect him, and he was losing sight of what really mattered. It became difficult for Ben to be around Eliza, whose pregnancy was evident. He felt excluded.

An Obsession

One day, Ben made an impulsive decision. He decided to find the sperm donor. For some reason, he felt that by seeing the donor, he would have a better idea of what the child would be like, and that would reassure him.

It didn't take long for Ben to become obsessed with this mission. He started researching based on the information the sperm bank had given. He kept it all hidden from Eliza, but she found out after a few days and did not approve of Ben's meddling.

A Complicated Pregnancy

Ben's behavior began to worry Eliza, but she remained calm. She didn't want negativity to affect her pregnancy. After all, she would soon give birth. She didn't want dramas affecting the baby's health.

In the last months of pregnancy, Eliza had complications. She lost a lot of weight, and the doctor feared for her and the baby's life. She was weak, the baby was vulnerable, and worst of all, Eliza might not survive.

Premature Labor

Eliza had to have an early delivery at eight and a half months. Ben was anxious. Although Eliza was fine, the delivery would be a challenge as she was still weak. All he could do was pray while waiting for news from the delivery room.

A nurse informed him that they would have to perform a cesarean section. Eliza was too weak for a normal delivery. Ben was concerned. He knew Eliza wanted a natural birth, but he understood it was for the best.

It's a Boy!

After several hours, the doctor came out of the room and told him and Eliza they had a boy. Eliza was fine, but he couldn't see her yet as she needed to rest. But Ben was able to hold his baby for a few moments before they performed some basic tests.

When the nurse handed the baby to Ben, he felt all his worries fade away. He was overwhelmed with emotion. He had a son, and he loved him. Suddenly, it didn't matter that he wasn't the biological father.

Something Was Happening

For some reason, Ben felt that the baby resembled him a lot. It was impossible, as his DNA wasn't involved. Things turned out better than he expected. One of the nurses even commented that she would never have guessed they used a donor.

When Eliza was able to receive visitors, the nurse brought the baby, and he went to see her. To his surprise, his older brother, Joshua, was there. Even though they were family, Ben found it strange that Joshua was the first to visit Eliza.

An Unexpected Confession

The atmosphere was tense. Joshua could barely look Ben in the eyes, and Eliza started crying. Ben was confused. Eliza took his hand and began to apologize. “I wanted to tell you earlier, but I couldn't.”

Eliza began to explain that she never submitted the form. She wanted a child who looked like Ben, so the only option was to choose Joshua as the donor. It was the only way to have a close genetic match.

The Secret

Joshua wasn't sure at first, but Eliza convinced him. He could see how much Eliza wanted a child who looked like Ben. That's why the process with the sperm bank took so long. They had to deal with the paperwork and keep Joshua's identity hidden.

They knew Ben would never agree. No one else knew, not even Ben's parents. Eliza was so scared of Ben's reaction that she was convinced he would be very angry.

A Happy Ending

To his surprise, Ben was smiling. While he probably wouldn't approve, holding the baby in his arms, he felt good. Knowing the baby was truly related to him, all his worries about not being able to form a bond disappeared.

Ben and Eliza named their son Josh, in honor of Joshua. Ben was very happy with the outcome, and Eliza was relieved. Everything had worked out, and now they could enjoy every moment of raising Josh together.




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